Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Yummy mummies survial guide!

So....i often get do i do a single mum raising 3 kids...and im supposedly a 'yummy mummy' thought id do a post about how i do things and still be 'me' at the same time...because hey lets face it..some people have kids and *BAM* they totally change and not nessisarily for the better.....dont get me wrong..change is good...losing who you are when u become a mum...not so cool.

So im going to lay the hard word down....WOMEN...just because we become mums..does not mean all of a sudden..we stop wearnign makeup (if u wore it before), that u suddenly live in trackies and baggy tshirts....that brushing our hair is now me its take over your life i get that...but u still have to have a life...even if u dont get out...which hey i hardly do...dosent mean all of a sudden i have no interests no hobbies no things i like anymore im still the same me...just a different kinda me!!! we dont have to change completely when we become parents. people often say to me...your a mum..u cant have peircings or tattoos or dress nicely or wear those shoes...of course i fucking can!!!!! only a judgemental fuck head would presume to sat such ex's mum used to say shit like that to me all the time...u dont want people to judge u at school and by doing so judge your kids you'll be a bad reflection on them.....reflect this ***** lucky not to have had that problem..people always seem to look beyond the surface...accept indians...i see any traditional indians in public and there stare in the most rude fucking way anyway losing track.... u still have to be who u are...its key to surviving motherhood and not looking back and thinking fuck i used to be so the same just in a different way!!.. (BTW IF U WORE TRACKIES HODDIES AND SHIT BEFORE KUDDOS TO U AND FEEL FREE TO KEEP DOING IT...I REALISE TRACKIES ARE COMFY SOMETIMES...I DONT OWN ANY SO IM NOT SAYING NEVER HAHA)...

next thing...dont let people tell u the way u raise you kids is not the right way...because if they do..immolitely tell them to shove it up there ass...the way you raise your kids is your business only and if it works for you and yours its right and all good..

if you dont want to get unsolicited advice make sure u dont give it either..singing a merry tune in your head while tuning out works a treat!!!

be honest...if your not coping GET SOME FUCKING HELP...raising kids isnt easy especially for us single parent folk but even for those out there with partners...take a break may seem the impossible dream but if u want it sometimes u have to work hard to make it happen...

If u got your hair done regullarly before having kids...dont stop! no one loves a skunk stripe..if u cant afford it? go the home job if you choose your colour right and keep it looking fresh its affordable and u will look a million bucks.

makeup...did u wear it before kids? then no exscuse...keep on wearing it...i often get the 'i dont have time'... yes YOU a single mum of an 8 week old baby a 3 year old and a 5 year old and if i can make 5 mins to put my makeup on every morning so can u...and it makes so much of a difference to how i feel about myself as a mum..making sure the hairs nice the makeups on im dressed reasonably all these things count to keeping it real!!!!

i often get asked how do i do it...this parts the serious part...people often cant beleive i cope alone with three kids...and hey its not always easy...but here is the trick.. ROUTINES..yes we have all heard the words before..and to be honest before i had my oldest in school i didnt have one at all..the kids were always in bed late sleeping in everything was i have epic routines that are set in kids know whats going on i know whats going on..for example 4pm bubba has her bath 4.30pm the boys always know its bath time 5pm i start dinner always the same every day..8.30pm the boys go to bed same thing every day...and the second is time management which goes hand in hand with routine... if u dont manage your shit everything gets on top of u...some days i dont even get to sit down..its a flurry of go go go..but lifes like that sometimes...thats when a long bath a good book or anything for some u time...

you time...very important...i honestly dont get much and need more...try however possible to get some..also important to keeping it real as a mum...we are not our kids...they are our kids if that makes sense

i could go on about this stuff allllllll day....but at the end all i can say is i survive because i love my kids no matter how difficult they can be...i keep it real, i remember to be myself not just a mum..i wasnt always a mum im still a person. i have good routines, i dont listen to other people i do what works for me and my kids! so remember can be a yummy mummy and survive without changing who u are completely

and remember SMILE, play with the kids...have a coffee or a tea...lifes not that bad even when it is..

Caio bella..

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