Sunday, 29 May 2011

Sierra Rose...Birth story

i cant gaurentee how much detail i will get to put in. this is the first time i have even been able to turn the laptop on since i had bub but here goes

i was due to be induced on friday the 13th at 6pm...i so did not want to be induced overnight but apparently it was my only i left the kids with there grandad (there fuck face father wouldnt have them) and off i went with mum my birth king edward in subiaco. they kept me waiting outside the birth suite for an then u  got in and got a room where i met the lovely midwife who unfortuntealy was only on until 9pm..the first of many she took my vitals monitored bub and told me ward rounds started at 9pm so they wouldnt do anything until then and they would need to do an internal exam to asses to use the gel to induce or the folley's catheter., now i have to say internal exms for me hurt like fuck....seriously...especially as they found my cervix to be really far back and still had to reach it...bub head was up was so fucking painful having the exam they offered me gas which i declined... so they decided that the folleys catheter to open my cervix was the way to in comes a doc prepares all the stuff tells me stirrups are required...ick and tells me 'at least she has something interesting to look at while she is down there bahaha...she was reffuring the the tattoos on my legs they try to insert it fill it with saline and then tell me that unfortunately it wont even remotely stay in because while far back my cervix was extremely soft so they decided to use the gel in went the gel on my cervix..then i was on the monitoring machines for an hour to make sure bub stayed ok which  she did little trooper...midwives then changed to the next i mildly got some sleep on the extremely uncomfy labour bed while being woken 3 to 4 hourly for more monitoring..the gel stays in 6 to 8 hourse before being they checked and it was decided i needed another lot of gel...but they became busy and fucked me around as they did with my last induction and nothing got done...for which time different women examined me so more intensely painful internal exams...seriously i could have cried or abused them they were so painful...i was told to walk around the hospital block many times to try to decend bubs head but she would not engage..she really wanted to stay put... so eventually i was told they were to busy for me on sat afternoon (i went in friday night) and i was so pissed off (3rd lot of midwives) that i said to her in more polite terms it was fucked and that the same shit happened to me last time and i would rather have had my baby anywhere else if i had the chance..then went into the bathroom and bawled my eyes out i was freaking tired and over the haulted more walking occured...more contractions..only mild and lots of pressure which still didnt bring bubs head down...they examined me..painfully again only to find my cervix still soft and only slightly open still really far back so gel wasnt working they were starting to talk c section which i DID NOT WANT as one of the options...or some pessary implant that may or may not work but was a last resort. then they decided they would try instead to break my waters...yet more hours passed because the midwife on would not do it unless there were doctors on call ready for an emergency c section because with bubs head not engaged there was a serious chance of cord prolaps (coming down into the vagina) if that happened they told me they had ten mins to get bub out of me....eeek that scared the shit out of me and stressed me out...i was still being monitiored and also every 4 hours since i was induced i was having penicillin which didnt knock out my cough which they suspected could be whooping cough it was so bad...still have it 6 weeks in total since i got it..anyway..the next midwife came on...much to my delight the very first one i had who only normally works two shifts a week was called in because it was so busy...she asked to have me again..she couldnt beleive i was still there with no reall progress on intermitent ppl causing me pain for no real gain so she took it apon herself to get shit done. she begged the male registar to break my waters to get things going it was my only chance that it worked to have a natural birth...5 mins later he came in more stirrups and told me he would have to leave his hand in a few mins to help drain the water to stop the cord coming that point who cares id had that many hand in my bits i didnt give a he broke me waters which i have had done twice before but this time agony!! more offers of drugs which i declined...along the process on friday night i was given a bung for my drip so that was attatched to the sintocin (artifical contraction inducer) and she cranked that thing right up she said so we could get it moving a lot quicker...there was NO none NADDA break between the contractions it was intense and painful and she told me if i stood which was hard i had to be monitored non stop the rest of the labour it would help bub come down...i managed two hours standing before the pain became to then i was crying which is how i deal with pain....mum was exhausted and slept through the agaony that i needed a partner for.... :/ i told the midwife once i started crying id reached my pain threshold and needed and epidural..of course the anesthatist was busy and held up so she asked if i wanted the on call one..i said yes not realising that at midnight she got him out of bed just for me..and the champ was there in ten mins flat scruffy bed hair and all ready to get it done... the midwife had turned off the drip because i was curled up in a ball of agony to ease the contractions while he put the epidural was releif accept i could still feel contractions on one it took a while to try to sort that...once the midwife did her best...and i had to lay on my side to not feel that side contractions she had someone watch me while she went for a tea break....even tho i couldnt feel my body waist down...i felt enormous pressure....and the midwife in there looked a bit soon as the midwife came back i told her something was had only been about 5 hours since they broke my waters so she checked and little miss's head was right there straining to get out she was ready right then...and the monitor was showing she was a bit distressed so they needed to make it she dimmed the lights and then time to push...absolutely hard when u cant feel a damn thing..which i only just got my epidural sorted so no time to let it wear off at with her guidences lots of pushing but bubs just needs to turn a bit....which she wasnt doing...then all of a sudden i had a massive coughing fit...and bubs head was nearly out so they told me to cough like that problem like i could stop myself and she was out!!!!.....not only was she out...but no tears....she didnt tear me a new one at all....just a few 'labia grazes' requiring no treatement and she told me essentially your 'flap' is grazed and yes she totally said flap bahaha that was to funny at the time.... she was caked with vernix she looked like someone had rubbed her whole body in zinc it was they layed her on my chest naked and she got to stay there an hour to feed and cuddle before they took her to weigh her... 7lb3oz, 2 weeks early and i was told she would weight 8lb plus minimum stupid people and there crappy ultrasounds. she was my perfect little angel. :) healthy happy pink and cuddly. from the time they broke my waters maybe 6 had they done that initially it would have saved two days of invasive pain and tiredness...after i had her and the epidural wore off i had a shower and was transfurred straight to the ward and i stayed until the next morning and came home. they had to wake mum at some point when i was ready to push so she could be there to watch that part....i think if it was not for that midwife things could have gone very very differently indeed im very greatful to her...despite all the bullshit before was a perfect birth intervention in no vaccume or forceps extraction like the boys and no 20 people in the room in gumboots like jack....and NO C the end i was extremely tired but so greatful to her...ill never forget how fantastic she was :) and thats how little sierra rose came into our lives :) i still absolutel think king edward are fucking retared your just one in a chain of many to them...and if nessesary become birth experieces got worse with every child at that hospital....i wouldnt recomend them unless you have health issues that prevent you going sure i left out bits and peices of the story but thats the gist of it !

caio bella

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Osama bin americano

So what new in the world? Osama bin laden is we couldnt half miss that one could we...technicolour on every fucking channel.....yup the fucker blew some big shit up and killed a lot of innocent kids...try explaining the concept of a terrorist to young kids....NIGHTMARE....its like a bad man that killed a lot of people so he has to be killed....'but mum..its bad to kill people', everyone in the world is a good boy he tells me...ahhh the innocence of youth yet to be corrupted by just how fucked up the world can a way its sure down the track a little 9/11 will be taught as part of history just like everything else.... already the jokes are piling on from all over the world as for my parents what was there take on it???...that the mosques would probably be really full and lets look around and see which muslims look really really sad...hello new extremists hahah...what can i say...there not really wrong hey.. ive been hearing a lot of funny lyrical peices and skits about his death about how the lovely americans blew off his fucking head and things like its amazing what the americans can acheive when the playstation network goes down ,,,ahhh all i was thinking was how do i explain to my kids what a terrorist is in relation to osama bin laden.........oohhhhh ohhh then it came to me... TEAM FUCKING AMERICA...likely not yet aooropriate but epcially fucking funny.... ive studied the muslim religion and have a copy or the Quoran on my ipod...and the all beleive in jihad...which translates to holy ALL FOR religious tollerance soon as they bring there issues to the country that i live in...well different story altogether. I dated a muslim guy for a while and mostly there pretty fucking fanatical about there religion even if they are not about there lifestyle choices...its pretty clear women stand a poor ass second to any men...shame really...i did however have to consider a burka while we were dating....and despite that tattoos and peircings i fucking rocked that shit out....the sad thing is he turned out to be a fuck nut ass hole...and i would have adopted the religion for him..which now looking back is fucking retarded anyway im going to put a pic of me up burka clad

id be an awsomely hot muslim yes??? shame im far to vain for that...good cover for a bad hair day tho :P if u do the research a lot of the religion involves extremist im all for religion each to there own and all that shit....however....extremists can kiss my ass and take that shit back to there home country...i live in the land of oz..we are a multicultural society, but i think we have over adapted for foreign policies and religions...we have prayer rooms at the airport but we cant smoke there we have special prayer rooms in school ...the list goes on......violence of any kind and religion just dont fucking gel to me...make a choice and be good or bad not both? :/   by the way i just have to put in my two cents now and say that i think osama was a toss nut...not willing to die for the cause....meh to him...some people say its bad he died and we should be sad about it because its still a human life....i say FUCK THAT....sorry but as anti killing as i may feel..if u got a death wish u got a death wish....

for some reason all i can think of in my head right now is a comedian where he has puppets and one is a terrorist.......and its by jeff denham i think...and he asks the terrorist how he dies...and well look it up its piss your pants worthy........ aiiiiiiii....poof....

moral of this blog....if your a bad man eventually you will meet a stick end.....

until next time

caio, bella