So religion.....lots of people are religious...and there are oh so fucking many religions..and just as many atheists who beleive fuck all...then evolutionists who beleive we evolved from the monkey..and then creational evolutionists who try to combine religion and science...each to there own. Now i dont care who u are...asian, mediteranian, western, white black fat nthin ect and i dont really care what ur religion is....taoism, shinto, bhuddist, muslim, christian, catholic and the list goes on but one thing i hate?? religious fucking zealots... now i consider myself to have faith but not be religious...i was raised a born again christian...that shit didnt stick unfortunately...i had questions that the bible couldnt answer and the church couldnt answer and i couldnt reconcile that with my those beleifs crashed down lower teens i spent lots of times at youth groups and camps i was baptised the whole shebang..but some things are not for everyone...
I dont beleive in 'prosthletising" (for those not in the know...spreading the faith door knockers ect..).. i beleive in non prosthletising...if u beleive it good for u....if u try to jam your beleifs down my throat its something u will sorely regret....i dont buy into a very tollerant person until u push your bullshit onto me...then ill have to bring you down..Now dont get me not an impolite person unless im pushed...i get the mormons and the other bible bashers knocking on my door all the time...i smile like a good girl take there pamphlets and send them on there way...sometimes i even read them...but thats there good thing...even tho thery will never recruit me..the problem to polite they push harder...until they drive out to your house just to see u...
Reminds me of another house that i lived in...two mormon guys from the us here as missonaries used to come on there bikes and knock on the id get them talking they would talk and laugh and chat away until 20 mins goes by and i tell them ive got to get back to it lol...only for them to realise there message was not delivered bahahha now that is what i call a fucking success!! and this rinsed and repeated ohhh about 3 times until they presumably gave up or went home again hahhaa
anyway what got me thinking about the fucknuts?? and no i dont think all people are fuck buts just someone on facebook one of the groups does a post..asking what qre u cooking up for easter this year....just a nice general post to which people remember this is a christian i add my peace..and read thru to see this fuck nut posting all this shit about veganism and how we are being creul to animals and the bible says not to eat meat and carrying on like a real fucking shit i told him no where in the bible does it say not to eat meat..kept it over night last night the mother fucker spams my inbox with 12 messages....claiming his shit about the bible an wanting debate...only problem is he is also quoting hare krishna and bhudda and polytheistic religions (multiple gods) where as the post was based on christianity which is monotheastic (one god) so i read his bull shit and immediately go grab my bible and want to chase him down and beat the living fuck out of him with far as im concerned he is a hoppy fucking cultist...yeah cruelty to animals sucks ass an intended cruelty is not on...but dont bullshit when u dont know what ur talking about im the wrong fucking girl for that....if the hare krishnas walk past me in the happily stick out my foot to see how many i could trip over....
now i have tollerance alright....ive tried out a few religions, christianity, wicca, the islam faith catacism dosent jive with me....spirituality hey im not a biggot....i have faith but im not religious...but im defintily not the bitch to shove your faith down my throat....if your in a cult you probably desurve all u get......
thats my religious fanatics irritation for the dad
thanks to the fuck nut who inspired it...
may you ingest an animal in desperation and die of guilt...
back to the big issues next time haha
caio, bella
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Angel babies....and circum skin coat?
So on to topic im tackling a big is angel babies...or more to the point abortion! ITs a pretty scetchy kind of a topic to talk about...if u are a girl and u havent had an abortion you probably know someone who has had one...for either medical or personal reasons...dosent matter if your are pro choice or anti abortion....its kinda of a sad topic to talk about....if u google abortion 1st 2nd or god forbid 3rd trimester abortions ur going to come up with a fucked up arroay of images and tiny broken body parts....its not for the faint of heart....
So what is my stance on abortion? well i guess u can call me a pro choice anti abortionist? freaking retarded right......... but thats how it what is pro choice anti abortionist? well i guess it means that personally ive researched the topic a lot and no fucking way at all would i have an abortion...if u use it as a method of birth control in a regular basis im sorry to say but ur probably a dirty whore...once is a mistake...more than once and u desurve a piano to graze you on the head with its pointy bits from a height...while i would never have an abortion im pro choice as in i think its everyones right to decide for themselves...i cant tell anyone what they should or shouldnt do with there body...some people cant handle a pregnancy, cant afford a baby, were raped, one night stand gone wrong single parent, no support, there are a million reasons for why people do what they do....
frankly if u ever do have one....dont research the methods first because the 'removal' methods range from poisoning the baby to disecting it internally and pulling it out to worse....its not pretty however u have to get it done...there a re pills you can take early on and a vast array of herbs to force yourself to miscarry....disturbing and also very dangerous and timing dependant...but desperation will make u do some things u never thought u would... but like i said ive never had one
When i fell pregnant with my first child i was 19 1/2 nevver once did it enter into my mind to get an abortion. it wasnt even on the cards. I was in a relationship and i was an adult...however the ex the kids dad got used to it in a few days where as his parents wanted to force me into an abortion because i was 'reuining there sons life' i was tainting his precious fucking future (by which was 5 years of failed uni andchanging courses which he fucked up himself long before i was pregnant)...anyway long story short....his parents never spoke to me until i found out at 38 weeks i was going to be induced the next day...when all of a sudden it was 'okay'...during the time i refused an abortion i coped much abuse from his mother and even his father not nice....
My second chance to have an abortion...the baby i am pregnant with now....which ill be having in 3 weeks single...the father is the same as my other two cut a long story short he had the kids over night i came to pick them up from him, he wanted sex (he has a gf by the way), i said no...he asked all the time by the way i said no..i wanted to kids back he insisted so ..thats how baby #3 was conceived..he knew i could fall pregnant but insisted it would never fate has did happen. He begged me to get an abortion..he has a gf, he offered money and overseas holidays and all kinds of shit...but its not in my blood..i gave it thought but deep down it was never going to happen...i knew id never do it....even my christian parents who are anti abortion wanted me to get an abortion because they hate him so much (for those who dont know what he did to me....with good fucking reason)...any way i made the tough call and decided to keep 3 weeks my little princess will come into the world...the dad will have nothing at all to do with her...but life goes on! abortion for me would have been the easy way out....and some people would have and probably have done in the same situation but i dont ever regret not having an abortion...and i will totally understand anyone that makes the decsion not to have a baby....that will never be a decision i make for myself but i definitly wouldnt look down on anyone who did unless of course they did it all of the time.....
anyway just a thought after tackling my view on another issue....circumscision
now who however primitive origonally thought of the idea to chop of a small part of the penis???whereby exposing the head.....good thing it lives in pants or that head might get cold bahahaaa but has a skin coat??.....oh coat? god damn even that sounds wrong to me haha....
well thats it until the next issue...3 more to go before you'll be pissing yourselves to read my blog again...
caio, balla
So what is my stance on abortion? well i guess u can call me a pro choice anti abortionist? freaking retarded right......... but thats how it what is pro choice anti abortionist? well i guess it means that personally ive researched the topic a lot and no fucking way at all would i have an abortion...if u use it as a method of birth control in a regular basis im sorry to say but ur probably a dirty whore...once is a mistake...more than once and u desurve a piano to graze you on the head with its pointy bits from a height...while i would never have an abortion im pro choice as in i think its everyones right to decide for themselves...i cant tell anyone what they should or shouldnt do with there body...some people cant handle a pregnancy, cant afford a baby, were raped, one night stand gone wrong single parent, no support, there are a million reasons for why people do what they do....
frankly if u ever do have one....dont research the methods first because the 'removal' methods range from poisoning the baby to disecting it internally and pulling it out to worse....its not pretty however u have to get it done...there a re pills you can take early on and a vast array of herbs to force yourself to miscarry....disturbing and also very dangerous and timing dependant...but desperation will make u do some things u never thought u would... but like i said ive never had one
When i fell pregnant with my first child i was 19 1/2 nevver once did it enter into my mind to get an abortion. it wasnt even on the cards. I was in a relationship and i was an adult...however the ex the kids dad got used to it in a few days where as his parents wanted to force me into an abortion because i was 'reuining there sons life' i was tainting his precious fucking future (by which was 5 years of failed uni andchanging courses which he fucked up himself long before i was pregnant)...anyway long story short....his parents never spoke to me until i found out at 38 weeks i was going to be induced the next day...when all of a sudden it was 'okay'...during the time i refused an abortion i coped much abuse from his mother and even his father not nice....
My second chance to have an abortion...the baby i am pregnant with now....which ill be having in 3 weeks single...the father is the same as my other two cut a long story short he had the kids over night i came to pick them up from him, he wanted sex (he has a gf by the way), i said no...he asked all the time by the way i said no..i wanted to kids back he insisted so ..thats how baby #3 was conceived..he knew i could fall pregnant but insisted it would never fate has did happen. He begged me to get an abortion..he has a gf, he offered money and overseas holidays and all kinds of shit...but its not in my blood..i gave it thought but deep down it was never going to happen...i knew id never do it....even my christian parents who are anti abortion wanted me to get an abortion because they hate him so much (for those who dont know what he did to me....with good fucking reason)...any way i made the tough call and decided to keep 3 weeks my little princess will come into the world...the dad will have nothing at all to do with her...but life goes on! abortion for me would have been the easy way out....and some people would have and probably have done in the same situation but i dont ever regret not having an abortion...and i will totally understand anyone that makes the decsion not to have a baby....that will never be a decision i make for myself but i definitly wouldnt look down on anyone who did unless of course they did it all of the time.....
anyway just a thought after tackling my view on another issue....circumscision
now who however primitive origonally thought of the idea to chop of a small part of the penis???whereby exposing the head.....good thing it lives in pants or that head might get cold bahahaaa but has a skin coat??.....oh coat? god damn even that sounds wrong to me haha....
well thats it until the next issue...3 more to go before you'll be pissing yourselves to read my blog again...
caio, balla
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Depression....Or deep self impressions..Life topic ono
so ive talked about boobies and breast implants condom icecream, penis splitting and an array of other sketchy junk...lets face it the more debacherous the more people want to read about attracts them and pulls them in. I think it calls to the slightly perverted fucker in all of us haha...sad but true right!! so i thought id tackle a few other things...the topic of this week is depression...
There are so so so many different types of depression its not funny...manic..where ur ready to slit your wrists one second and climb the walls the next, skitzophrenia....kinda like multiple personalitly disorder, post natal depression for some of the mum out there, social anxiety disorder, major or chronic depression, and basic depression which most of us have had at some point in time and probably will again... Most ppl hear the words depression and roll there eyes...which is kinda sad..because anyone who has ever suffered knows how it can fuck your shit right up...So where do i fit into this?... well i fit in in the majour depression or chronic depression and social phobia catagory....if u have never suffered...imagine waking up everyday...or wishing u didnt wake up and hating life, hating your surrounding the ppl that care about u...going through the motions...dark deep negativity, the lack of ability to see anything in a posotive light, and thinking every crack in the paving is the one where ur sanity is going to slip thru....the dawn of the darkest day..its bullshit..
of course...i didnt get there on my own...ive always been prone to depressive nature since i was a wee little shit...and yes i supposedly really was a little shit...and willfull...well i still am willfull haha..anyway as a youth i walked the line of self harm...the kind u cant the kind under the bottom of the feet thats crippling to walk on and not visable to others...unlike when i went to tuart college and was in class with a girl that always wore jumpers...when she rolled up her sleeves u could see thousands of cuts all up her arms, not deeper than a surface scratch which to me unlike mine was a cry for attention that im not sure she ever got....been there self mutilation FEELS LIKE a great way to deal with your own least it was for me....but really...its more a great way to scar your body..thank god for many years post feet and skin regneration properties haha...
anyway most ppl who have never suffered dont understand just what or why people would get so depressed my parents never did altho they knew i suffered.....i didnt go on medication until a few years ago...and being in a relationship where i was made to feel inferior in a fucked up way and that no one would ever want me and the list goes on not surprising...until one day i couldnt get out of i was carted off to the docs and started medication...technically at the time it was for anxiety...which it helped a lot for...i wasnt diagnosed as majour depression until...the ex of 6 years cheated for much of the time we were together and then left me 2 weeks before our wedding to be with one of his whores...he ont say it was for her but there still together now a year and a half later...i have to say that fucked me over so up went the meds...then when i dated again after a few no go's i get a fuckwit singporian who uses me, hs another gf on the side, lies about trips to another country lies about his work and pretends to be his own neice conversing with me...rips me off for thousands of dollars then leve me $2000 in debt for debt collector for 2 mobiles he convinced me to take out under his ws then i was dignosed with Majour depression..the kind where the doc hs to get special permission to perscribe those doses of meds and a mental health care plan and counselling....ahhh between that constant abuse nd problems with the kids dad, life stress, not knowing where money was coming from for bills ect and deep dark negativity i was pretty fucked up for the end of the day i pulled my shit together...for my kids, learnt how to best handle what money i do have, how to not be so negative, decided to putting dating on hiates for the forseeable future and it worked a fucking treat to get me on the up and a much different person now. Of course...i made one mistake along the way to which i allowed the kids dad despite having a gf to get me to sleep with him so he'd give the kids which i ended up pregnant..he has had nothing to do with it since day one...accept to offer imense bribes like large sums of money and over seas trips in the beginning to make me have an abortion...but bub is due in about three weeks...i made peace with yet another fucked situation...and im happy to have a baby girl join our family even if she wont have a family will love her like my boys....moral of the story...GOD THIS CHICK FUCKS UP A LOT??? hahha no not at all..that despite dark days and darker odds it is possible to come back from the darkness...but u have to want to come back its one of one will help u if u cant help yourself things....which i did and now i help others..
so next time u hear about someone who has depression think twice...u dont know why or how or the who story is much deeper than i explained but thats all im willing toshare with the masses
on a lighter note i find out when im going to be induced tomoro yay :P:P:P
i promise after tackling 4 more of the big issues ill give u something worthy of pissing your pants about!!
caio , bella
There are so so so many different types of depression its not funny...manic..where ur ready to slit your wrists one second and climb the walls the next, skitzophrenia....kinda like multiple personalitly disorder, post natal depression for some of the mum out there, social anxiety disorder, major or chronic depression, and basic depression which most of us have had at some point in time and probably will again... Most ppl hear the words depression and roll there eyes...which is kinda sad..because anyone who has ever suffered knows how it can fuck your shit right up...So where do i fit into this?... well i fit in in the majour depression or chronic depression and social phobia catagory....if u have never suffered...imagine waking up everyday...or wishing u didnt wake up and hating life, hating your surrounding the ppl that care about u...going through the motions...dark deep negativity, the lack of ability to see anything in a posotive light, and thinking every crack in the paving is the one where ur sanity is going to slip thru....the dawn of the darkest day..its bullshit..
of course...i didnt get there on my own...ive always been prone to depressive nature since i was a wee little shit...and yes i supposedly really was a little shit...and willfull...well i still am willfull haha..anyway as a youth i walked the line of self harm...the kind u cant the kind under the bottom of the feet thats crippling to walk on and not visable to others...unlike when i went to tuart college and was in class with a girl that always wore jumpers...when she rolled up her sleeves u could see thousands of cuts all up her arms, not deeper than a surface scratch which to me unlike mine was a cry for attention that im not sure she ever got....been there self mutilation FEELS LIKE a great way to deal with your own least it was for me....but really...its more a great way to scar your body..thank god for many years post feet and skin regneration properties haha...
anyway most ppl who have never suffered dont understand just what or why people would get so depressed my parents never did altho they knew i suffered.....i didnt go on medication until a few years ago...and being in a relationship where i was made to feel inferior in a fucked up way and that no one would ever want me and the list goes on not surprising...until one day i couldnt get out of i was carted off to the docs and started medication...technically at the time it was for anxiety...which it helped a lot for...i wasnt diagnosed as majour depression until...the ex of 6 years cheated for much of the time we were together and then left me 2 weeks before our wedding to be with one of his whores...he ont say it was for her but there still together now a year and a half later...i have to say that fucked me over so up went the meds...then when i dated again after a few no go's i get a fuckwit singporian who uses me, hs another gf on the side, lies about trips to another country lies about his work and pretends to be his own neice conversing with me...rips me off for thousands of dollars then leve me $2000 in debt for debt collector for 2 mobiles he convinced me to take out under his ws then i was dignosed with Majour depression..the kind where the doc hs to get special permission to perscribe those doses of meds and a mental health care plan and counselling....ahhh between that constant abuse nd problems with the kids dad, life stress, not knowing where money was coming from for bills ect and deep dark negativity i was pretty fucked up for the end of the day i pulled my shit together...for my kids, learnt how to best handle what money i do have, how to not be so negative, decided to putting dating on hiates for the forseeable future and it worked a fucking treat to get me on the up and a much different person now. Of course...i made one mistake along the way to which i allowed the kids dad despite having a gf to get me to sleep with him so he'd give the kids which i ended up pregnant..he has had nothing to do with it since day one...accept to offer imense bribes like large sums of money and over seas trips in the beginning to make me have an abortion...but bub is due in about three weeks...i made peace with yet another fucked situation...and im happy to have a baby girl join our family even if she wont have a family will love her like my boys....moral of the story...GOD THIS CHICK FUCKS UP A LOT??? hahha no not at all..that despite dark days and darker odds it is possible to come back from the darkness...but u have to want to come back its one of one will help u if u cant help yourself things....which i did and now i help others..
so next time u hear about someone who has depression think twice...u dont know why or how or the who story is much deeper than i explained but thats all im willing toshare with the masses
on a lighter note i find out when im going to be induced tomoro yay :P:P:P
i promise after tackling 4 more of the big issues ill give u something worthy of pissing your pants about!!
caio , bella
Friday, 15 April 2011
Condom icecream, penis splitting and fucked up body modifications...oh MY
The topic of the day is body modifications...some of the universally fucked up shit that people do to themselves.....from tattooing to peircing to vaginal reshaping to look like a star...seriously? yeh afraid so...but before i get into it...something i found to be a little ive found a top ten list of fucked up ice cream falvours from around the world...i hope u find it as amusing as i did!!!
1. Horse meat....cant say id get off on that shit....barf
2. Hot ice cream....hmm
3. Condom ice cream...i shit u fucking is an extract
yes that is indeed my leg and it is almost completely gone now say 11 months later?
extra occular implant...having something inserted onto your eyeball...eeek
cornea tattooing...injecting ink into the white of the eyes...usually done to blind people for asthetics (looks) or crazy fucked up pain junkies!
Peirced glasses ...yes once again i shit you not....screws are peirced directly into the side of the nose...and the glasses screw on to those and are help in place looks psycho nothing goes over the bridge of the nose and nothing over the one had better knock u with those bad boys on or ud be well and truely fucked...innovative idea tho hey
last of all......PENIS SPLITTING>....where the dick is cut right down the middle lengthways...fucking hell...i nearly vomited just looking at a pcture of if u want one ur on your own..what kind of many would do that would u piss?? well i cant even imagine..WHY just WHY...the tounge i dont like but dick FUCK NO!!!!!
thats about as many body mods as i can take looking at for one day.....hope u enjoyed the show
next blog is my oppinion of 5 majour day at a time
take care
caio bella
1. Horse meat....cant say id get off on that shit....barf
2. Hot ice cream....hmm
3. Condom ice cream...i shit u fucking is an extract
This one was perhaps an unintentional creation from a Korean manufacturer who just wanted to sell a fun ice cream for kids to suck on. Turns out that the swollen, latex coated thing which comes out of the cute turtle wrapper might not be the right shape for a kid. And, for those of you who are curious, the flavor is regular chocolate
4. Squid ink....pass
5.Sex pistol.....u guessed cream with ....VIAGRA.....jesus wouldnt want to consume that by mistake
6. Foie gras???
7. Garlic...eww
8. Blue cheese...worse
9. Amonia nastiness....thats right...made from black liquorice and amonia...not popular for its nauseateing burning properties
10. Pit Viper....yes its made from viper snakes....i have no words for that!!!
Okay so now that ive relived that list on to body modifications
Men and womens circumscision...pretty standard...not my cup of tea...hey i like a happy helmet like the best of them...but i think women being done is fucking crewl and inhumane...for that reason i didnt have my boys done in the interest of fairness...
Body peircings....they come in all shapes and sizes...some fucked up some not so much...i have several myself...eye brow tounge, nose , labrets, tounge, two beauty spots two in the bottom lip and 8 each ear.....u can shove vaginal and womens nipple peircing up ur ass hole...not my cup of tea...but peircings are not all like mine..some get pretty fucked not a fan of flesh tunnels at the best of times...just dont like them...but i have seen nasal flesh tunnels and a labret flesh tunnel u could see the fucking teeth it was retch worthy...soome people take there shit to far...just because u can grab it u can peirce it...really dosent mean u should hey!!! there also comes a point where they look fucking retarded because there is mor metal than proud to say while i have a few they are all really nice looking feminine and compared to some pretty discreet...but each to there own...even if i do need sun glasses just to look at u..
tattoos, once again i have personal oppinion is there peices of history and art....anyone who ever tells me they want a tattoo and they dont know what to get or need to look from a book to pick something generic really dosent desurve to have one and i truely mean is designed to be for life...thats why the removal process is so if it means shit all to you print it out and practise your colouring in dont put it on your skin!!!
Branding with a hot iron....well ive dabbled in this one before...not as lovely as it is essentialy making a stencil...extreme heating said stencil and burning the top layer of flesh off....mmm crispy...not for the faint hearted!
Subdermal implants.....body jewellery inserted under the top layer of thanks!! altho id do a dermal implant...body jewellery above the skin anchored under the skin
earlobe stretching...not a fan also called a flesh tunnel...most of u will know what this is already
Tounge that is a place i wont go i dont want a tounge like a snake aqnd come near me with a scalpel and ill stab u in the face with go for me
Tooth filing....usually done to point the teeth to give u a gob like a vampire...fucked up? yup sure why not...not for me tho
Tight make ur waste incredably small proportions...fuck that shit...if u look up photos these women look like if they sneezed they would literally snap there body in half...not to mention i dont think it looks beautiful i think it looks fucking retarded...and if anyone i know ever did this id tell them so
Anal stretching...where ass plugs are inserted to stretch the anus for pleasure cringing writing this.....some people need to be shot
Skin cut tattoos.....litterally using a sharp instrument to scrape off the skin in big ribbons, extremely bloody similar to scarification which leave a scar after the skin is cut. i have also dabbled in this one...looks ok for a while but is only dose eventually heal itself
extra occular implant...having something inserted onto your eyeball...eeek
cornea tattooing...injecting ink into the white of the eyes...usually done to blind people for asthetics (looks) or crazy fucked up pain junkies!
Peirced glasses ...yes once again i shit you not....screws are peirced directly into the side of the nose...and the glasses screw on to those and are help in place looks psycho nothing goes over the bridge of the nose and nothing over the one had better knock u with those bad boys on or ud be well and truely fucked...innovative idea tho hey
last of all......PENIS SPLITTING>....where the dick is cut right down the middle lengthways...fucking hell...i nearly vomited just looking at a pcture of if u want one ur on your own..what kind of many would do that would u piss?? well i cant even imagine..WHY just WHY...the tounge i dont like but dick FUCK NO!!!!!
thats about as many body mods as i can take looking at for one day.....hope u enjoyed the show
next blog is my oppinion of 5 majour day at a time
take care
caio bella
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Designer vagina's and body modifications
Sick kids are never very fun especially when u are worried about them..but its a fact of life...for my youngest one its pretty much the only time ill ever get affection......its almost tempting to put him right under the nose of anyone that sneezes just so he gets sick and i get a hug...of course id never do this because...well being a single mum id be the one up with him all night and being deprived of sleep for to long is one of the worst fucking things. After having kids im pretty sure i suffered insomnia for the first 4 years....whats that like? well if i ever sleep the night through ill be sure to let you know....the last good nights sleep i had was the 6th of january 2006...eeek so its no wonder i come out with some retarded brain cant function properly these days...... but on the subect of kids...well bub due in a few weeks has already found her ways to freak the shit out of her brothers...i know they think there is a baby in there...but its not really a baby until the 'doctor take it out'... i told the boys id probably be sore for a little while after the baby comes jack (5) tells me...u wont be mum the doctors will be careful...he dosent realise that after pushing him out his brother out and soon his sister poor mummys vagina will never be the same again...maybe one day ill be in line for a 'DESIGNER VAGINA'.....yes u heard me also known as libiaplasty...yes this shit really does exsist i swear...ill have the best looking junk in my pants even if i cant ever show it off...well not in publinc and not without it being contrued as pornographic or offensive...or depending where i am...pervertedly okay......which makes me think a lot about body modifications..... but firstly ive gone off track..what did the baby do to freak the kids out:?...she kicked my phone off of my stomache while i was sitting on the couch...its one senario for young kids to know there is a baby in there...but when they see evidence or feel it its freaks them the fuck out like some kind of alien encounter....think how i feel kiddies....that is happening to me from the inside out haha...took me 7 months for him to feel the baby move and 2 seconds to decide never to try and let them feel again!!!!
anyway back to designer vaginas...wouldnt it be great ladies to have kids...and still have the number one looking fanny afterwards???...lets face is some things just dont spring back into shape after a baby...especially not the babies i have haha....i mean lets face it...if ur unlucky which...90% of women in child birth are...cute little bub will tear u a new baby new asshole...alright alright to far i know..but no less true...some places u just SHOULD NOT HAVE TO GET STITCHED what else do women get done...the infamous boob job. u get men carry on about how they do they feel? i have no fricken idea...but if the opportunity arose in a non perverted non fettish no lesbian kinda way id give on a squeeze just to see lol...would i get one? hmmm well having natural boobs of epic proportions, always wearing good bras to get a good psuh up and have to say it would be low on my list...maybe a breast lift one day...nothing makes me feel more retchworthy than seeing older women who's boobs are so fucking saggy...u could seriously heft them over the freaks me out a bit....actually a lot. its like my dad and his hating to touch cotton wool balls...i want to scratch my eyes out when i see saggy tits....not sure why but thats the way it is. The tummy theres one id pay for if i ever had the money...nothing like the lovely war wounds that most of us encounter after child birth...especially when u become single afterchild no way do u ever want to present ur cottage cheese mid section to a man ever again...and lets face it u cant spend your whole like having sex with clothes on...sometimes it adds mystery but eventually it would become suss...and to the bitches who get no stretch marks and the body bounces right back 'fuck you'...seriously 'fuck....YOUUUUUUUUUUUU'....i would love to be you....jealousy is a curse what can i is patience which anyone who knows me is a virtue i have never ever possesed...better note that one down kids....
what virtues do i posses exactly? not usually kind unless i have reason to be, im openminded, but there is such a thing as to open minded, im honest which can be a virtue and can be a pain in the not particularly sentimental nor am i particularly girly but i am pretty a bit confusing clean but im not overly neat....if u want neat...hire a maid...
there is more to add here...but my little guy is sick so ill save it for another day...
caio, bella
anyway back to designer vaginas...wouldnt it be great ladies to have kids...and still have the number one looking fanny afterwards???...lets face is some things just dont spring back into shape after a baby...especially not the babies i have haha....i mean lets face it...if ur unlucky which...90% of women in child birth are...cute little bub will tear u a new baby new asshole...alright alright to far i know..but no less true...some places u just SHOULD NOT HAVE TO GET STITCHED what else do women get done...the infamous boob job. u get men carry on about how they do they feel? i have no fricken idea...but if the opportunity arose in a non perverted non fettish no lesbian kinda way id give on a squeeze just to see lol...would i get one? hmmm well having natural boobs of epic proportions, always wearing good bras to get a good psuh up and have to say it would be low on my list...maybe a breast lift one day...nothing makes me feel more retchworthy than seeing older women who's boobs are so fucking saggy...u could seriously heft them over the freaks me out a bit....actually a lot. its like my dad and his hating to touch cotton wool balls...i want to scratch my eyes out when i see saggy tits....not sure why but thats the way it is. The tummy theres one id pay for if i ever had the money...nothing like the lovely war wounds that most of us encounter after child birth...especially when u become single afterchild no way do u ever want to present ur cottage cheese mid section to a man ever again...and lets face it u cant spend your whole like having sex with clothes on...sometimes it adds mystery but eventually it would become suss...and to the bitches who get no stretch marks and the body bounces right back 'fuck you'...seriously 'fuck....YOUUUUUUUUUUUU'....i would love to be you....jealousy is a curse what can i is patience which anyone who knows me is a virtue i have never ever possesed...better note that one down kids....
what virtues do i posses exactly? not usually kind unless i have reason to be, im openminded, but there is such a thing as to open minded, im honest which can be a virtue and can be a pain in the not particularly sentimental nor am i particularly girly but i am pretty a bit confusing clean but im not overly neat....if u want neat...hire a maid...
there is more to add here...but my little guy is sick so ill save it for another day...
caio, bella
Thursday, 7 April 2011
what i look for in men...and does my penis look good in this?
what a crappy day....if i wanted a wet ass or water down my tits id...wait no there is never a time i want either of those things...but life happens sometimes hey..better get used to it with a baby due in a few short i was priveledged...took the little guy who is three on monday shopping with me...he looked bad ass he was wearing prefaded skinny leg jeans, the right amount of shitrt showing from under his cool iron man jacket hood up and fingerless gloves with skeletons for a 3 year old thats bad ass..then he made me buy him a little pink umbrella stroller to push his baby doll around in...cute but fail!!! person to ask me when im due for going to say 'any second now'...and 'i hope u have good contents insurance because that flooring looks corrosive to amniotic fluids which i could leak all over ur loor at any second'....its the one question ppl love to ask..complete strangers that u get epically sick of answering..or maybe i should laugh and tell them im not pregnant and watch the look of confusion and horror pass there faces??
anyway...someone saw some photos of me online and contacted me and told me im 'so photogenic' ...bullshit *cough cough*..and that i should get some professional photos taken because id have quite a if that bullshit dosent sound like th most trite...i wanna see u a pervert comment ive ever heard i dont know what is...but it did get me thinking about what type of guys i like. Now there are certain types of guys i will never go for...these genrally include....short only five foot ten or slightly under...u'd be surprised how many men dont make the cut because of that..ive dated a shorter guy before and i felt like the fucking man..wasnt cool. Men who are younger than me...essentially they will never have a chance..the first thing that crosses me mind is..jesus were u just hitting puberty when i had my first kid or what? not my not the hugest an of the blonde men either...ive never dated a blonde but not to say i never will on that one...and uber skinny men...sorry but really a fucking turn off...seriously if im worried i may snap u from the slightest not the most gentle person...go eat a fucking hamburger...please.. so that still leave the taller men the older than me men *(and no grandpa..not that old), the men who work and dark haired would be awsome hahah... i guess i have high standards but why the fuck not..its me that will have to look at them every not asking for muscles or a six pack..just an awsome sense of humour who knows what the air up here is virtically challenged individuals...ive dated accross the spectrum, white, aussie, english, indian, singaporian u know im not a racist...however i also dont date men that i cant understand what the fuck there saying...that shit ust dosent work for me...if your english isnt good boys dont even bother...other than that fair game...i have also dated accross the personality spectrum...introvert, extroverted...perverted...thats right..sexual addictions..but to me unfortunately... can be an interesting life...i tend to like people that like me dont conform to the supposed norm just for the sake of conformity...for those who do eat shit i hope u cry urself to sleep every night regretting ur pathertic wasted boring not really ur choice..ull regret it later. maybe one day i find a normal one that i can bring home to the folks without causing coronary events...or heart farts...(u heard it here first heart farts thats right...)
anyway on to the penis seem to care so much about this appendage attatched around the groin type do u hear women carrying on about the size shape, colour public dispersity of the vagina??? no i think men why do u get away with it????...i guess because lets face it...most women can appreciate a good ladies..unless u are relatively young, religious or just fucking unlucky you have probably two or a few...they come in all shapes and sizes...and ive seen lots of variation...large and thick, large and skinny little a noodle...small and thick small and thin...cirucmscised uncircumsised....dark skinned...white ect ect...does it really make much difference to us as ladies?? the debate about that one rages on im what chick dosent like a good sized appendage? to big...not interested and there is such a thing..but good sized and lack of knowing how to use it...u will fail the ladies every be honest the whole...thin penis...really dosent do it for me....not at all dosent matter how long it the words on an awsome chick i know 'u want to have a meaty cock' ive also experienced small and thin....and to be gives new definition to 'is it in yet'........its a faux pa to have had sex but not be sure u had it because u didnt feel it...not stereotyping...but my experiences with darker skinned men...the rumours are NOT true..... ive had a lot less sexual partners than some...but ive seen enough to know enough....boys sometimes it does matter...
before i end the blog that could make some men going to touch on grooming...
now men like women to be shaved or waxed......the maority of some men its not cool any way...while men carry on about the state of our good they let there man areas become so out of control ud be shocked to find there actually is a penis in there somewhere...its a fucking horrid double standard....ladies i say if u have a man who is NOT willing to groom...if u do..u grow that shit back in protest....i dont think many women would want a man to wax...but boys....a bit of grooming never hurt anyone think about it......
caio, bella
anyway...someone saw some photos of me online and contacted me and told me im 'so photogenic' ...bullshit *cough cough*..and that i should get some professional photos taken because id have quite a if that bullshit dosent sound like th most trite...i wanna see u a pervert comment ive ever heard i dont know what is...but it did get me thinking about what type of guys i like. Now there are certain types of guys i will never go for...these genrally include....short only five foot ten or slightly under...u'd be surprised how many men dont make the cut because of that..ive dated a shorter guy before and i felt like the fucking man..wasnt cool. Men who are younger than me...essentially they will never have a chance..the first thing that crosses me mind is..jesus were u just hitting puberty when i had my first kid or what? not my not the hugest an of the blonde men either...ive never dated a blonde but not to say i never will on that one...and uber skinny men...sorry but really a fucking turn off...seriously if im worried i may snap u from the slightest not the most gentle person...go eat a fucking hamburger...please.. so that still leave the taller men the older than me men *(and no grandpa..not that old), the men who work and dark haired would be awsome hahah... i guess i have high standards but why the fuck not..its me that will have to look at them every not asking for muscles or a six pack..just an awsome sense of humour who knows what the air up here is virtically challenged individuals...ive dated accross the spectrum, white, aussie, english, indian, singaporian u know im not a racist...however i also dont date men that i cant understand what the fuck there saying...that shit ust dosent work for me...if your english isnt good boys dont even bother...other than that fair game...i have also dated accross the personality spectrum...introvert, extroverted...perverted...thats right..sexual addictions..but to me unfortunately... can be an interesting life...i tend to like people that like me dont conform to the supposed norm just for the sake of conformity...for those who do eat shit i hope u cry urself to sleep every night regretting ur pathertic wasted boring not really ur choice..ull regret it later. maybe one day i find a normal one that i can bring home to the folks without causing coronary events...or heart farts...(u heard it here first heart farts thats right...)
anyway on to the penis seem to care so much about this appendage attatched around the groin type do u hear women carrying on about the size shape, colour public dispersity of the vagina??? no i think men why do u get away with it????...i guess because lets face it...most women can appreciate a good ladies..unless u are relatively young, religious or just fucking unlucky you have probably two or a few...they come in all shapes and sizes...and ive seen lots of variation...large and thick, large and skinny little a noodle...small and thick small and thin...cirucmscised uncircumsised....dark skinned...white ect ect...does it really make much difference to us as ladies?? the debate about that one rages on im what chick dosent like a good sized appendage? to big...not interested and there is such a thing..but good sized and lack of knowing how to use it...u will fail the ladies every be honest the whole...thin penis...really dosent do it for me....not at all dosent matter how long it the words on an awsome chick i know 'u want to have a meaty cock' ive also experienced small and thin....and to be gives new definition to 'is it in yet'........its a faux pa to have had sex but not be sure u had it because u didnt feel it...not stereotyping...but my experiences with darker skinned men...the rumours are NOT true..... ive had a lot less sexual partners than some...but ive seen enough to know enough....boys sometimes it does matter...
before i end the blog that could make some men going to touch on grooming...
now men like women to be shaved or waxed......the maority of some men its not cool any way...while men carry on about the state of our good they let there man areas become so out of control ud be shocked to find there actually is a penis in there somewhere...its a fucking horrid double standard....ladies i say if u have a man who is NOT willing to groom...if u do..u grow that shit back in protest....i dont think many women would want a man to wax...but boys....a bit of grooming never hurt anyone think about it......
caio, bella
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
waxing lyrical...and no body hair..anywhere!!
ahhhh bloggy blogginess.....i do so love entertaining a good captive audience....i try to keep my blog MOSTLY hey i must be a good girl right!!! ..well some of the time anyway ;)
so yesterday i got my ebay was the smallest fucking parcel i have ever seen. Hmmm the dick wad who sent it to me wont be gettinga very nice feedback left for took three weeks to arrive and it came from japan...nothing against japan or jap people but fuck douche bag dont tell me your an australian seller posting from australia if your some dip shit in japan...why lie for ass hole?? if its going to take longer to get to me say that..dont pretend ur from my country...bleh bleh douche bag...u cant really hide it when it goes through customs and i cant read a fucking thing on it other than my name... It was kuro sumi black tattoo yes i know its a jap brand of ink but plenty of people in oz stock it...what can i say im an angry person lol...i wonder how many people i have made cry in life for there insolence....
now a couple of days ago i made this comment on facebook "
so yesterday i got my ebay was the smallest fucking parcel i have ever seen. Hmmm the dick wad who sent it to me wont be gettinga very nice feedback left for took three weeks to arrive and it came from japan...nothing against japan or jap people but fuck douche bag dont tell me your an australian seller posting from australia if your some dip shit in japan...why lie for ass hole?? if its going to take longer to get to me say that..dont pretend ur from my country...bleh bleh douche bag...u cant really hide it when it goes through customs and i cant read a fucking thing on it other than my name... It was kuro sumi black tattoo yes i know its a jap brand of ink but plenty of people in oz stock it...what can i say im an angry person lol...i wonder how many people i have made cry in life for there insolence....
now a couple of days ago i made this comment on facebook "
Am I a homeowner in Alexander heights?? Geographically not even close ya fuck tard get a bloody map and a clue and call my private number again I'll beat u with a stick! Not listed means if u keep calling im with in my rights to jam something up ur pee hole and watch u piss blood!!
Sunday, 3 April 2011
MY BOOBS LOOK SO FUCKING HUGE IN THIS!!!! lets be honest...u totally clicked to read this blog post because of the tittle...didnt and women alike...woman its curiosity what it might be about...and men...well i dont think i need to give any explanation that dosent start or finnish in the pants...or maybe out of the pants...or likely ALL OVER THE PANTS hahaa... anyway to give u boobs DO look big...hey i have big boobs and im 8 months pregnant so its like...carrying around little chest cannons waiting to good thing about pregnancy boobs...those things a fricken there also perky...cant really attest to the after birth state of tittilation...but u do get that... there is nothing wrong with having a good cleavage...lets face it...boobs just make some tops look so much better and if u dont have aint gonna sit right....or booooo to the spastic genius who makes tops that dont our fucking boobs in them...serious??? SERIOUS??? u need to be shot....
there is some bobbs for you.....just because some of u are possibly perverted assholes...hey lets be honest...and well...never miss an opportunity to show off one of my favourite tattoos at the same time...and yes ,,,,it was fresh at the time this photo was taken...not anymore but still my favourite!!!! by the boobs are so much bigger than that at the moment...didnt wanna know that did u? bahaha ahh well life happens........
In case your not a totally perverted weird kinda person...i just tell it like it is rain hail or shine...occasionaly i know when to keep my mouth shut...i try never to hurt anyone on purpose however sometimes things need to be something of a black sheep. i think i just view life a different way to most people...there are no rose tinted glasses...if anything..there is a dark room with black out shades painted black with dark sunnies on...but that just one is to be trusted the glass is always half empty...pessimism comes before optomism...posotivity is not something to display without proof of something no one test everything....i tattood that one on my upper thigh with a single liner tattoo needle and some black ink to remind me...never take anyone or anything at face value...unless u dont value urself and love the slap in the fucking face that comes with being hurt for the millionth time...its not a full proof method of living your life thats for sure...some people say it makes me a 'cold hard bitch' (thanks mum) but how many times do u have to leanr the hard way before u fuck someone over before they fuck u over? I wouldnt say ill never trust anyone but trust has to be earnt, so does repect....where it is due it will be given right :) anyway enough with the heavy not all cloak and dagger.....hell im an awsome fucking boys are awsome kids to....they rock!!!!!.....can be monsters but mostly there really cool little dudes..much amusement and i love them and trust them implicitly...with family its always a given...anyone else has to work for that shit...
okay off to get my clit peirced and my nipples clamped .
wtf really? REALLY..... some people will beleive anything....anyone comes near my vagina with a hollow needle there going to be walking funny the rest of there lives...not a peircing that interests u...altho...back in my hairdressing days we had this client...she was a crude son of a bitch but funny as all hell...she was a really really large kinda lady..and one day she came in to get her colour and kept moving around i asked her what was which she replied she just had 4 peircings in her 'clit' the day before...and while it kinda hurt if she shuffled around while sitting enough it gave her an orgasm..and she couldnt wait to get more....she proceeded to oke about how she is surprised they could find her vagina....which u are NEVER GOING TO BRING UP OR SUGGEST when someone is of that size.....she was fucking legendary...
anyway thats it for heard it here first folks
caio, bella
there is some bobbs for you.....just because some of u are possibly perverted assholes...hey lets be honest...and well...never miss an opportunity to show off one of my favourite tattoos at the same time...and yes ,,,,it was fresh at the time this photo was taken...not anymore but still my favourite!!!! by the boobs are so much bigger than that at the moment...didnt wanna know that did u? bahaha ahh well life happens........
In case your not a totally perverted weird kinda person...i just tell it like it is rain hail or shine...occasionaly i know when to keep my mouth shut...i try never to hurt anyone on purpose however sometimes things need to be something of a black sheep. i think i just view life a different way to most people...there are no rose tinted glasses...if anything..there is a dark room with black out shades painted black with dark sunnies on...but that just one is to be trusted the glass is always half empty...pessimism comes before optomism...posotivity is not something to display without proof of something no one test everything....i tattood that one on my upper thigh with a single liner tattoo needle and some black ink to remind me...never take anyone or anything at face value...unless u dont value urself and love the slap in the fucking face that comes with being hurt for the millionth time...its not a full proof method of living your life thats for sure...some people say it makes me a 'cold hard bitch' (thanks mum) but how many times do u have to leanr the hard way before u fuck someone over before they fuck u over? I wouldnt say ill never trust anyone but trust has to be earnt, so does repect....where it is due it will be given right :) anyway enough with the heavy not all cloak and dagger.....hell im an awsome fucking boys are awsome kids to....they rock!!!!!.....can be monsters but mostly there really cool little dudes..much amusement and i love them and trust them implicitly...with family its always a given...anyone else has to work for that shit...
okay off to get my clit peirced and my nipples clamped .
wtf really? REALLY..... some people will beleive anything....anyone comes near my vagina with a hollow needle there going to be walking funny the rest of there lives...not a peircing that interests u...altho...back in my hairdressing days we had this client...she was a crude son of a bitch but funny as all hell...she was a really really large kinda lady..and one day she came in to get her colour and kept moving around i asked her what was which she replied she just had 4 peircings in her 'clit' the day before...and while it kinda hurt if she shuffled around while sitting enough it gave her an orgasm..and she couldnt wait to get more....she proceeded to oke about how she is surprised they could find her vagina....which u are NEVER GOING TO BRING UP OR SUGGEST when someone is of that size.....she was fucking legendary...
anyway thats it for heard it here first folks
caio, bella
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Carbon what now???????
Today came up a conversation with my that i found to be particularly amusing...carbon footprints...say what now??? it has of course come to my attention that i am NOT a particularly green person by nature my bad hahah
how am i not very environmentally friendly???
well lets see.... i DONT recycle unless my rubbish bin is getting to epically full proportions...i dont remove lide from bottles labels from can or wash anything out before i put it in the recycling bin....i know i know...and yes on very odd occasion i have actually put a rubbish bag in my recycling bin...out of desperation i swear no doubt contaminated a whole load from my poorly recyling... i dont public lol thats about as far as that shit goes...i dont walk anywhere i could drive...accept the park down the road..and lets face drive there to if there was parking at the park would take about 30 seconds to drive there...well thats if i had to stop at the corner eeeeek :P... im not green..i dont buy natural of friendly fabrics..i buy whats on special or clothes i like even synthetic fibres bahaha i know i know....i use disposable nappies for my children...and have probably contirbuted in a mass way to landfill without feeling any guilt or remorse for the planet...i dont save water, or electricity....
***mum thought it was hillarious when i asked her what time of day was earth hour...she told me it was at 8:30 at response was well i might have participated IF it was during the day..and then id still leave the tv and aircon on :0000000******
so we have not a very green person...mum seems to think i probably wouldnt care unless the hole in the ozone layer was right above my house...and then id just put on a LOT a fuck load even of sun screen ....what can i say....ive had sex in public back in the day to...and im sure there were emissions of a kind to be had lol so what can i say...between my lack of reclying and daily hairspray fixation daily for years and years and many more to come...well im a bad bad girl :P
Ahhhh life...always full of drama right....i went to the wanneroo markets today. i walked past my tattoo studios weekend shop...and damn it reallllllllllly made me want my next tattoo soon as im able and financial to do so....its going to one.. babies names and a yet to come picture underneith,,, and second contribution to skin art...whole top of my right arm...... LA FAMILIA ES PARA SIEMPRE, SEMPER FIDELUS <<<sp on that last one...will have to google...i also really want 'if i should die before i wake i pray the world my soul to take and if i wake before i die, rescue me with your smile'..still debating where to put that...the top of the other arm has plans already....hmmm i may yet end up with a body suit one day lol...but i wont mind...judge not lest ye be judged !! and to all those who judge anyway fuck u...i hope u step on a really fine needle and it goes all the way in...retreival might make u think twice about b eing so judgemental.....what is the average look anyway...i may not look like a cleche mum and i may have a son of a bitch attitude but i shit u not...its better than following some idealistic fucked up goal with no happiness of what people expect a mum to look like... i love my kids there good kids well adjusted and intelligent..therefor i have done my job so far as a mum...but dear god it will be reallllllllllly interesting to see how my baby girl grows up....walk a mile in my shoes and all that...
anyway thats it for now
caio bella
how am i not very environmentally friendly???
well lets see.... i DONT recycle unless my rubbish bin is getting to epically full proportions...i dont remove lide from bottles labels from can or wash anything out before i put it in the recycling bin....i know i know...and yes on very odd occasion i have actually put a rubbish bag in my recycling bin...out of desperation i swear no doubt contaminated a whole load from my poorly recyling... i dont public lol thats about as far as that shit goes...i dont walk anywhere i could drive...accept the park down the road..and lets face drive there to if there was parking at the park would take about 30 seconds to drive there...well thats if i had to stop at the corner eeeeek :P... im not green..i dont buy natural of friendly fabrics..i buy whats on special or clothes i like even synthetic fibres bahaha i know i know....i use disposable nappies for my children...and have probably contirbuted in a mass way to landfill without feeling any guilt or remorse for the planet...i dont save water, or electricity....
***mum thought it was hillarious when i asked her what time of day was earth hour...she told me it was at 8:30 at response was well i might have participated IF it was during the day..and then id still leave the tv and aircon on :0000000******
so we have not a very green person...mum seems to think i probably wouldnt care unless the hole in the ozone layer was right above my house...and then id just put on a LOT a fuck load even of sun screen ....what can i say....ive had sex in public back in the day to...and im sure there were emissions of a kind to be had lol so what can i say...between my lack of reclying and daily hairspray fixation daily for years and years and many more to come...well im a bad bad girl :P
Ahhhh life...always full of drama right....i went to the wanneroo markets today. i walked past my tattoo studios weekend shop...and damn it reallllllllllly made me want my next tattoo soon as im able and financial to do so....its going to one.. babies names and a yet to come picture underneith,,, and second contribution to skin art...whole top of my right arm...... LA FAMILIA ES PARA SIEMPRE, SEMPER FIDELUS <<<sp on that last one...will have to google...i also really want 'if i should die before i wake i pray the world my soul to take and if i wake before i die, rescue me with your smile'..still debating where to put that...the top of the other arm has plans already....hmmm i may yet end up with a body suit one day lol...but i wont mind...judge not lest ye be judged !! and to all those who judge anyway fuck u...i hope u step on a really fine needle and it goes all the way in...retreival might make u think twice about b eing so judgemental.....what is the average look anyway...i may not look like a cleche mum and i may have a son of a bitch attitude but i shit u not...its better than following some idealistic fucked up goal with no happiness of what people expect a mum to look like... i love my kids there good kids well adjusted and intelligent..therefor i have done my job so far as a mum...but dear god it will be reallllllllllly interesting to see how my baby girl grows up....walk a mile in my shoes and all that...
anyway thats it for now
caio bella
Tattoos, peircings and fish...ehh?
Been a tiring weekend…but lately dosent take much to make me tired…im like a ve tattood pierced blow fish…boo to still having six weeks until im getting induced with bub. DESPITE all the horrors from my family I have decided to still call bub ‘Sierra Rose Marsh-Caporn…..why u ask would I use the ass hole fasthers name and not just call her marsh due to his lack of wanting anything to do with her? Simple because jack is marsh caporn. Reilly is just caporn (I was engaged and planning a wedding when I had him…my bad) so I wont have three kids all same dad all different surnames…im planning to add Marsh into reillys name when the funds become available to do so….
Anyway been doing some sketching this afternoon…mostly to stop the overwhelming tiredness that’s begging me to sleep when I cant. Ive done some drawing to get my dodgy half sleeve fixed up after bub is born..and no I know im not game to remotely consider doing it myself…ive also decided on what im getting don’t for the new bub top of the left forearm..the boys tattoo is underneath on that arm. IM getting her name ‘Sierra Rose’ then underneath a small pink corset, and underneath that the words “la familia es para siempre’…family is forever. I wont be getting inked the secind I give birth but I wont leave it to long after either…I don’t want to have a gap with new bub missing!!! So ill definitely get that one done before I get any of my other arm fixed up…that one is second priority for me but definitely needs to be done this year. There are a couplf of other things im considering this year but no rush…if and when time and spare money permits….for now those are the only two set in stone for me J
Ive come to realise since getting tattoos and peircings that so so many men find them ‘HOT’…for some reason that pisses me off…why would that piss me off u say?…good fucking question…I guess it figures in somewhere with the fact I totally hate judgemental people…and to me really liking women who are specifically tattood is judging…its not liking them for a kick ass personality and liking the tattoos they have…its knowing nothing about a chick but assuming she is totally hot because of tattoos…its judging in a different light…so back off fuckers…not wise to tell me my tattoos or more specifically ‘women with tattoos’ are hot…because im going to bring u down a peg or to…same shit with peircings…men seem to like them to…serious? Do u think guys I stop for even one second to consider if u may like it before getting anything pierced?? Ive had many of my peircings for a reallllllly long time I really don’t give a fuck what u think…I get so sick of hearing about my tounge piercing in relation to male pleasure…for the record…I had that pierced way way back in my virgin days…male pleasure of any variety was not in the equation…untwist for your fucking mind some men and get over it…not everything is about sex and not everything is about u!!!! …..of course im not anti men…I really do hope to believe there are nice men out there and that my mates are not married to the only ones…of course men are not on the radar for me right now…and NOOOOOOOOOO that dosent mean women are bahaha just means ive chosen not to date while im pregnant and ive chosen this point in time to put my kids first… now if prince charming comes knocking on my door…I cant promise id turn him away but life…u never know where it will take u!!
First time with the kids yesterday…was really awesome. There dumb ass dad dosent realise what he is missing by not wanting to do these kinds of things with the boys..thankfully they have a really awesome grandad who is happy to oblige… we went off the jetty in hillaries…they only caught 7 blow fish between them but to them a fish is a fish..then we let them go again…I must say I had to ump back really fast when they were reeling in…to avoid a fish slap to the face haha but all good fun. We threw them back in after and took lots of photos…we had dinner after nom nom nom J kids definitely makie things more interesting…did I touch the fish or the bate???? Hell no…no chance..i love fishing and always loved it as a kid but no way was I touching the bate and if I caught something that was dads job for sure…jack the was picking them up freaked me out hahah…
Anyway that’s it for now…
caio bella
Anyway been doing some sketching this afternoon…mostly to stop the overwhelming tiredness that’s begging me to sleep when I cant. Ive done some drawing to get my dodgy half sleeve fixed up after bub is born..and no I know im not game to remotely consider doing it myself…ive also decided on what im getting don’t for the new bub top of the left forearm..the boys tattoo is underneath on that arm. IM getting her name ‘Sierra Rose’ then underneath a small pink corset, and underneath that the words “la familia es para siempre’…family is forever. I wont be getting inked the secind I give birth but I wont leave it to long after either…I don’t want to have a gap with new bub missing!!! So ill definitely get that one done before I get any of my other arm fixed up…that one is second priority for me but definitely needs to be done this year. There are a couplf of other things im considering this year but no rush…if and when time and spare money permits….for now those are the only two set in stone for me J
Ive come to realise since getting tattoos and peircings that so so many men find them ‘HOT’…for some reason that pisses me off…why would that piss me off u say?…good fucking question…I guess it figures in somewhere with the fact I totally hate judgemental people…and to me really liking women who are specifically tattood is judging…its not liking them for a kick ass personality and liking the tattoos they have…its knowing nothing about a chick but assuming she is totally hot because of tattoos…its judging in a different light…so back off fuckers…not wise to tell me my tattoos or more specifically ‘women with tattoos’ are hot…because im going to bring u down a peg or to…same shit with peircings…men seem to like them to…serious? Do u think guys I stop for even one second to consider if u may like it before getting anything pierced?? Ive had many of my peircings for a reallllllly long time I really don’t give a fuck what u think…I get so sick of hearing about my tounge piercing in relation to male pleasure…for the record…I had that pierced way way back in my virgin days…male pleasure of any variety was not in the equation…untwist for your fucking mind some men and get over it…not everything is about sex and not everything is about u!!!! …..of course im not anti men…I really do hope to believe there are nice men out there and that my mates are not married to the only ones…of course men are not on the radar for me right now…and NOOOOOOOOOO that dosent mean women are bahaha just means ive chosen not to date while im pregnant and ive chosen this point in time to put my kids first… now if prince charming comes knocking on my door…I cant promise id turn him away but life…u never know where it will take u!!
First time with the kids yesterday…was really awesome. There dumb ass dad dosent realise what he is missing by not wanting to do these kinds of things with the boys..thankfully they have a really awesome grandad who is happy to oblige… we went off the jetty in hillaries…they only caught 7 blow fish between them but to them a fish is a fish..then we let them go again…I must say I had to ump back really fast when they were reeling in…to avoid a fish slap to the face haha but all good fun. We threw them back in after and took lots of photos…we had dinner after nom nom nom J kids definitely makie things more interesting…did I touch the fish or the bate???? Hell no…no chance..i love fishing and always loved it as a kid but no way was I touching the bate and if I caught something that was dads job for sure…jack the was picking them up freaked me out hahah…
Anyway that’s it for now…
caio bella
Fear factor.... :0 :P
This has been an interesting week..been spending a lot of time ‘nesting’ well I don’t think so but so im told…to reorganise and overhaul the house to get it ready for bubs arrival… argh its been a bigger job than I thought….FYI never leave is twelve months to clean out your pantry…u can find some exceedingly scary shit in there…
Reilly has given me much amusement….i have to bribe that little munchkin for any kind of affections…he just dosent feel the love…gets that shit from his dads side of the family…a hug or a kiss could get u shot in that family…that or they will behave like your masturbating naked in the front window with the curtains open attracting attention…interesting euphemism I know but u get the point right…so it takes bribes…usually chips the boy loves potato chips and they ‘make him better’, if he hurts himself or just as a bribe….although he is slightly deranged calling me a turkey while I hug him…actually correction he tells me after the fact it was ‘dirty turkey’…not turkey lol….what can I say…the kids got spunk….no not that kind. Not
until he is older..
Todays interesting adventure….’the fucking mouse hunt;…anyone who has been to my house will know I have a fucking epic loungeroom..the thing is huge…I could fit the local asian community who seem to like to house share amoung there families…in my lounge serious…anyway… I have lots of couches, a giant tv unit tv, toddler bed, dvd cabinets…mass bookshelf, change table small table with a lamp and a small corner for some kids toys and a big ass rug in the room….last few nights ive been hearing weird shit coming from the toy corner…its freaked my shit out…naturally I assume mouse…now I have chosen NOT to look because…ill have to seriously abandon my shit and go just shut the door and fuck off never to return…u see when I was a kid we had a mouse infestation in one of our houses as we lived right in front of a bush..traditional traps…didn’t do it..the fuckers got EVERYWHERE..that planter box..under the wood fire grating…in my fucking toy box in my bedroom…I would stay awake at night with my blanket on my head shitting myself hearing that little fucking scratching…we did have a mouse hunt at some point..i remember one coming out and mum or dad memories a bit hazy hitting the damn thing with a shoe….. and the little shit went that is some damaging shit right parents even found one in the bayonet for the light in there walking robe…sizzle……and one under a couch cushin…someone had squished that fucker like a pancake…there is some justice after all………… so im scared to the point of nearly shitting myself of the stupid things…so today I ate my lunch and I was like…IM GONNA DO THIS SHIT…I got some sneakers on…some long ass tongs bug spray no idea what the fuck I was going to do with that??? And I moved all the toys and put them in the kids bedroom….until I was about to have a coronary from fear…and moved the couch off the wall *(there is a small gap for the skirting)…..and……nothing..i have neve been so god damn relieved in all my life EVER seriously. so glad not to have to abandon all my shit and leave never to return……Am I a pussy? Perhaps…but hey I think I do ok as a single mum… I kill the spiders which I hate and the giant brown winged devil cockroaches…and also the winged devil moths….little bastards..
So I have my beautiful children of the corn this weekend…..i say this with much affection…..
there awesome kids its my nickname for them when there behaving like mini monsters…which hey there both boys its bound to happen. So this weekend jack is going fishing for the first time with my dad…there thinking maybe put him on a jetty and TIE HIM DOWN to make sure its safe for him haha…soooooo glad im not invited for this one… im thinking that he may actually freak out if he catches a fish..because hey…fish a like nemo or in a tank…or cute little goldfish… but I guess we will see..he is also trying camping for the first time in a tent in nana and granddads backyard styles to see if he likes it…a while ago they borught a big ass tent to take him camping at some point but want to test the waters….i have been informed that it also mean mummy and reilly get to stay over in the spare bedroom in case it all goes to shit in the middle of the night….wooooo….interesting weekend coming up for me lol…..but as long as the kids have fun…not much longer until they will have a wee sister to ass to the mix…..perhaps I should mainting to be like the virgin mary and the baby is immaculate conception????……but that’s a story for another day….
Look out for next blog….im going with funny storied from the past..and stupid random shit…there will be sexploits if ur family…best to stay the hell away from that one…some things u really don’t need to know
Reilly has given me much amusement….i have to bribe that little munchkin for any kind of affections…he just dosent feel the love…gets that shit from his dads side of the family…a hug or a kiss could get u shot in that family…that or they will behave like your masturbating naked in the front window with the curtains open attracting attention…interesting euphemism I know but u get the point right…so it takes bribes…usually chips the boy loves potato chips and they ‘make him better’, if he hurts himself or just as a bribe….although he is slightly deranged calling me a turkey while I hug him…actually correction he tells me after the fact it was ‘dirty turkey’…not turkey lol….what can I say…the kids got spunk….no not that kind. Not
until he is older..
Todays interesting adventure….’the fucking mouse hunt;…anyone who has been to my house will know I have a fucking epic loungeroom..the thing is huge…I could fit the local asian community who seem to like to house share amoung there families…in my lounge serious…anyway… I have lots of couches, a giant tv unit tv, toddler bed, dvd cabinets…mass bookshelf, change table small table with a lamp and a small corner for some kids toys and a big ass rug in the room….last few nights ive been hearing weird shit coming from the toy corner…its freaked my shit out…naturally I assume mouse…now I have chosen NOT to look because…ill have to seriously abandon my shit and go just shut the door and fuck off never to return…u see when I was a kid we had a mouse infestation in one of our houses as we lived right in front of a bush..traditional traps…didn’t do it..the fuckers got EVERYWHERE..that planter box..under the wood fire grating…in my fucking toy box in my bedroom…I would stay awake at night with my blanket on my head shitting myself hearing that little fucking scratching…we did have a mouse hunt at some point..i remember one coming out and mum or dad memories a bit hazy hitting the damn thing with a shoe….. and the little shit went that is some damaging shit right parents even found one in the bayonet for the light in there walking robe…sizzle……and one under a couch cushin…someone had squished that fucker like a pancake…there is some justice after all………… so im scared to the point of nearly shitting myself of the stupid things…so today I ate my lunch and I was like…IM GONNA DO THIS SHIT…I got some sneakers on…some long ass tongs bug spray no idea what the fuck I was going to do with that??? And I moved all the toys and put them in the kids bedroom….until I was about to have a coronary from fear…and moved the couch off the wall *(there is a small gap for the skirting)…..and……nothing..i have neve been so god damn relieved in all my life EVER seriously. so glad not to have to abandon all my shit and leave never to return……Am I a pussy? Perhaps…but hey I think I do ok as a single mum… I kill the spiders which I hate and the giant brown winged devil cockroaches…and also the winged devil moths….little bastards..
So I have my beautiful children of the corn this weekend…..i say this with much affection…..

Look out for next blog….im going with funny storied from the past..and stupid random shit…there will be sexploits if ur family…best to stay the hell away from that one…some things u really don’t need to know
sexual encounters of the third kind
SEX SEX SEX......from the second your old enough to think about it you want's all about figuring out a way to get it and someone to actually have it with that isnt your own hand or of a vibrating with yourself can be 'handy' but not to much fun lol
I however was a good girl...i waited unitl i was well circa my 18th birthday to have sex for the first time...why? i guess i was just a good little girl...i know lots of people like *gag* my mum who had sex a LOT younger than i did haha...the first time? always scary because its unexpected....hmm i think that first time is probably like some kind of alien invasion ...if u get lucky u might get over the trauma...enough to want to do it again sometime...which clearly having kids..i did..
whats the big osbesssion...some people are so desperate for gratification once the 'ball' gets rolling they will take there sex any way they get it...from any source...i guess thats where cheating comes into play...some people like it romantic...some people like it rough...some people like to be dominent and some people under the thumb....interesting isnt it? i guess u never really know someone until u get your freak on with them...and beleive me...some things some people like really are fucking freaky...
For example...all the fettishes of the world and there are so many of some people its all about feet and foot fucking, golden showers, being shit on shitting on someone else, pregnant women lactating women, being punnished receiving punnishment, a bit of blood in the mix, some biting...hey i can get into that one
and amillion more...what gets u off? not women i can tell u that well not for me anyway lol.... the only tits i ever want to see are my own... there are swinger 3 somes group sex..and much more...personaly when it comes to play time im all about one on one action...its the only way to play.. and girls...never let a boyfried take ALWAYS comes back to haunt u trust me i know...a certain ex posses some certain things that he uses to get off to...gee if only his gf could catch him at that bahahah *evil laugh* might even make it worth them being in his possesion...people can like some pretty fucked up shit in the bedroom....I DONT WANT TO KNOW ABOUT IT BOYS>>so stop telling me....i think we have ALL had a sex dream about someone we know over the years..might not even be someone we nessesarily find sexually attractive...and by god is it awsomelt awkward the next time u see or talk to them..i think we are all guilty of misstreating or avioiding someone or punnishing them for something they did in a dream haha...i know im bad.
ANimals...come on people im not even going to go there...its wrong enough said....leave that on well alone stick to your own species..own gender if it gets u off..but leave the animals to there own!!!!!
condoms now theres a good one 'safe sex people' but i do love being in a shop or a chemist and seeing people do everything and anything they can to hide buying such items out of embaressment..there quite happy to rant about there sex lives but not buy protection...maybe next time buy that vibrating cockring and studded condoms online??? ...probably a good call...same call as going into an adult shop...lots of people feel the need to scootch in , i na rather seedy manner and be discrete...there is NOTHING discrete about a sex shop...and by god do not answer if they ask u what u are looking for...less u get the most awsome embaressing long speech about product selections and functions...there is nothing discreet about it...but it has given me much amusement over the years to see people and there behaviours in an adult shop. i dont get embaressed its all good to me...but u see that chick who is tiny and small buying porn magazine and a giant vibrator or dildo and u have to laugh...where the fuck is she going to put that thing??>....well u go girl i guess...i have to say id love to work in an adult store....there must be a lot of stories to be told at the end of the day...but then ud have to be pretty out there yourself to not cop any embaressment... good stuff
recruiting for sex....guys...girls...if u have to pay for it there is probably something going wrong not just talking about brothels either...ive had men try to recruit me before...if im not interested in u eough to have sex with u on my own valition im sure as hell NOT going to do it for u can shove it... not a whore...amazing how many times i have had to say that one in my life....i dont care if u think im hot...still not a whore..
I dont think there is such a thing as good old fashioned 'dating' these days...a date dosent seem to be remotely successful without some kind of sexual encounter...and men seem to think there are more entitled than women are for some reason...yeah good luck buddy... and there seems to be a trend of a lot of guys these days who dont use protection...ick...dude no idea where u have been...but then..if its true what they say about you having sex meaning that u are having sex metaphorically with all that persons previous partners...well cheating ex's , mean ive probably had sex with a lot more women by far than i have men....creepy thought much??
but to true...yet still not lesbian or bisexual tendencies...altho men for some reason seem to get off on that to.... its not something i get...same senario as...if a woman cheats on her man with another women some men get off on that shit and dont consider it cheating they actually endorse it...ITS STILL CHEATING MEN. but if a womans man has sex with another man...women tend to get really pissed because...its fucking cheating...and its confusing it shows we genders do not always think the same....i guess it all depends on what u consider cheating.....sadly ive been privy to some hardcore cheaters in my life...burn baby burn....i think id also look twice at any kinda potential sexual partner that has a list longer than my arm....being 'over used' ust tells me there a player or so bad people choose not to come back for is mostly a skill i think..and not all people are good at it...i guess u will know from comments u ex is still desperately chasing i have to assume its all good bahahahaa who knows....
anyway for now...that is my take on sex
caio bella
I however was a good girl...i waited unitl i was well circa my 18th birthday to have sex for the first time...why? i guess i was just a good little girl...i know lots of people like *gag* my mum who had sex a LOT younger than i did haha...the first time? always scary because its unexpected....hmm i think that first time is probably like some kind of alien invasion ...if u get lucky u might get over the trauma...enough to want to do it again sometime...which clearly having kids..i did..
whats the big osbesssion...some people are so desperate for gratification once the 'ball' gets rolling they will take there sex any way they get it...from any source...i guess thats where cheating comes into play...some people like it romantic...some people like it rough...some people like to be dominent and some people under the thumb....interesting isnt it? i guess u never really know someone until u get your freak on with them...and beleive me...some things some people like really are fucking freaky...
For example...all the fettishes of the world and there are so many of some people its all about feet and foot fucking, golden showers, being shit on shitting on someone else, pregnant women lactating women, being punnished receiving punnishment, a bit of blood in the mix, some biting...hey i can get into that one

ANimals...come on people im not even going to go there...its wrong enough said....leave that on well alone stick to your own species..own gender if it gets u off..but leave the animals to there own!!!!!
condoms now theres a good one 'safe sex people' but i do love being in a shop or a chemist and seeing people do everything and anything they can to hide buying such items out of embaressment..there quite happy to rant about there sex lives but not buy protection...maybe next time buy that vibrating cockring and studded condoms online??? ...probably a good call...same call as going into an adult shop...lots of people feel the need to scootch in , i na rather seedy manner and be discrete...there is NOTHING discrete about a sex shop...and by god do not answer if they ask u what u are looking for...less u get the most awsome embaressing long speech about product selections and functions...there is nothing discreet about it...but it has given me much amusement over the years to see people and there behaviours in an adult shop. i dont get embaressed its all good to me...but u see that chick who is tiny and small buying porn magazine and a giant vibrator or dildo and u have to laugh...where the fuck is she going to put that thing??>....well u go girl i guess...i have to say id love to work in an adult store....there must be a lot of stories to be told at the end of the day...but then ud have to be pretty out there yourself to not cop any embaressment... good stuff
recruiting for sex....guys...girls...if u have to pay for it there is probably something going wrong not just talking about brothels either...ive had men try to recruit me before...if im not interested in u eough to have sex with u on my own valition im sure as hell NOT going to do it for u can shove it... not a whore...amazing how many times i have had to say that one in my life....i dont care if u think im hot...still not a whore..
I dont think there is such a thing as good old fashioned 'dating' these days...a date dosent seem to be remotely successful without some kind of sexual encounter...and men seem to think there are more entitled than women are for some reason...yeah good luck buddy... and there seems to be a trend of a lot of guys these days who dont use protection...ick...dude no idea where u have been...but then..if its true what they say about you having sex meaning that u are having sex metaphorically with all that persons previous partners...well cheating ex's , mean ive probably had sex with a lot more women by far than i have men....creepy thought much??

anyway for now...that is my take on sex
caio bella
Out of the mouth of babes
so all who know me know that i have two children...a 5 year old and a soon to be three year old. Now my 5 year old has told me recently that girls wee out there bum...i found this to be highly amusing...girls dont hav edoodles so there can hardly be any other way right
he amuses me with his gems of wisdom on a daily basis. kids isnt always easy but it can sometimes be fun 
i became a mum for the first time two weeks after my 20th birthday...was i ready? fuck no....i mean just the labour was like holy hell...nothing prepares u for that...or for ur mum who hasnt seen your pink bits since u were a small child to have her head right up in there...does she mention the fact that you are missing body hair in certain areas? no she does not...kuddos to u mother....still a creepy esk thing..but most mums can contest when your in labour u dont give a fuck who is getting up in there as long as they keep that sweet stream of drugs coming...when all is said and done and they just plonk that slimey screaming blob on your chest covered in your internal junk for the first time...its like a moment from alien...lovely...but scary as shit...i guess there is also the fact that a nappy...what ever do u do with your thought if u have never done it before...suddenly your assdeep in poo covered in urine especially if its a boys and have leaky tits...definitly not the picturesque thing u thought u signed on for right...breastfeeding i have to say..didnt really happen for me no luck and i didnt really get it..also have to say..having strange women whopping my tits out at there leasure while in hospital was not really my favourite thing in the world.... also being sewn up from a tear to the perenium...essential one step away from your ass means that at leasto ne person has had of close encounter with your starfish u can ever look them in the eye again is a miracle...and to think i actually did this twice and soon a third time...i guess two day labours imcompetent medical staff and one child coming into the world with giant salad tongs and men in gumboots (forceps) and the other vaccumed the hell out of there...didnt put me off sex again quite bad...or lucky me..not sure which
either way the kids give me much amusement...its not easy in fact is can be fucking hard..nothing quite like being a single mum when one dosent sleep the other is sick both are up sick all night, mid night hospital runs, bruises blood, screaming banchee brother fights, broken things...and they always break your favourite...or just the words i hate u mummy when u have to pull them inline..feeding them when they refuse to eat...and getting them to at leaast consider something of some nutrcional value...hey as mums we do sign up for this right. at the end of the day there alive your alive there fed bathed and u all survive the day is always a success....being a mum has awsome moment to cuddles and i love u mummy, and sweet words of wisom from little faces smiling at you...Watching movies and making crafts together, giggling about the funny things in life dribbly smiles..its all worth it..and being a single mum means i have no one to share it and have to work that much harder...but i have no regrets only love for my babies....altho some days i do want tokill them...maybe a little for a minute or two haha..
Unfortunately im the odd one out in my family...i come from a family of four sibblings, two older one younger. Im the odd one out because since having kids i dont work, i no longer have a partner, i have children, in in financial hardship almost all the time, i dont go out drinking or enoy wine, my social life mostly consists of my children and what they want to do...they all have good jobs well paid, decent houses nice things expensive furniture, they love to drink, be social can go out at there leasuire and are free to do what they want with there lives. they are in no way a stress or burden on the rest of the family. Somtimes it makes me fucking sad hey. i hate feeling the odd one out in the family...not just because of my children but the other things id never swap them..... I used to get on really well with one of my brothers gf's...she is a few years younger than me but that was cool we got on awsome for a while...she used to think my sister hated her...but once she discovered she didnt all of a sudden i never hear from her at all...i constantly hear about all the shit they do together and with there partners as well....and all of a sudden im unimportant, i dont have the same money the same free time i dont have a partner..i have kids and lack of availability on out of the loop...singled out and that shit sucks..and when we have family gathering it makes me feel uncomfortable..because i know..even if they dont...but life happens...i guess u make a lot of sacrafices for ur kids.... like a social life.....people that dont have kids dont seem to understand why my weekends are not filled with pubs and other dubious type shit....thats because i have kids...and if i have spare money id rather use it for something for them than to go out...and i dont drink much and rarely...i think u cant understand if u dont have kids...u sacrafice a lot willingly and lovingly for them...its the way shit goes..
family is family forever love em all but dosent mean i always fit in...but shit happens life isnt meant to be easy....
The things my kids love....
flooding my kitchen sink by sneaking into the kitchen and turning the tap on a little while i think there going to the toilet and im watching tv...
Covering my toilet walls in defecation claiming the y were drawing a picture for me...
putting unsed toilet paper in the toilet so the bugs cant get in there
Spilling drinks all over the floor because there imaginary robot tripped them over
changing there clothes 50 times a day so i have lots of washing to do
hiding the chocolate from me so they can share it later :0
both of my kids are very animated and make there own sound effects when playing...if u didnt know them u would find it funny as shit but it makes them unique and is ever amusing
they love to cuddle mummy...jack wont let me leave preschool without a hug and a big kiss right on the mush...i tried today because most of the other mums dont...and he got quite shirty at me and insisted i do it haha u go jack good on u for still letting mummy never stop.
making chocolate cupcakes
oh and when reilly is older ill have much amo to embaress him...he still thinks he has a baby in his tummy and he tells me his baby is black and his name is baby x ...and its going to come out his tummy soon when my baby does
...jack knows boys cant have babies so he thinks its funny as...
that is my rant on family and my em all to bits and wouldnt trade them for anything...
another reason to never say FML
caio bella xo

i became a mum for the first time two weeks after my 20th birthday...was i ready? fuck no....i mean just the labour was like holy hell...nothing prepares u for that...or for ur mum who hasnt seen your pink bits since u were a small child to have her head right up in there...does she mention the fact that you are missing body hair in certain areas? no she does not...kuddos to u mother....still a creepy esk thing..but most mums can contest when your in labour u dont give a fuck who is getting up in there as long as they keep that sweet stream of drugs coming...when all is said and done and they just plonk that slimey screaming blob on your chest covered in your internal junk for the first time...its like a moment from alien...lovely...but scary as shit...i guess there is also the fact that a nappy...what ever do u do with your thought if u have never done it before...suddenly your assdeep in poo covered in urine especially if its a boys and have leaky tits...definitly not the picturesque thing u thought u signed on for right...breastfeeding i have to say..didnt really happen for me no luck and i didnt really get it..also have to say..having strange women whopping my tits out at there leasure while in hospital was not really my favourite thing in the world.... also being sewn up from a tear to the perenium...essential one step away from your ass means that at leasto ne person has had of close encounter with your starfish u can ever look them in the eye again is a miracle...and to think i actually did this twice and soon a third time...i guess two day labours imcompetent medical staff and one child coming into the world with giant salad tongs and men in gumboots (forceps) and the other vaccumed the hell out of there...didnt put me off sex again quite bad...or lucky me..not sure which
either way the kids give me much amusement...its not easy in fact is can be fucking hard..nothing quite like being a single mum when one dosent sleep the other is sick both are up sick all night, mid night hospital runs, bruises blood, screaming banchee brother fights, broken things...and they always break your favourite...or just the words i hate u mummy when u have to pull them inline..feeding them when they refuse to eat...and getting them to at leaast consider something of some nutrcional value...hey as mums we do sign up for this right. at the end of the day there alive your alive there fed bathed and u all survive the day is always a success....being a mum has awsome moment to cuddles and i love u mummy, and sweet words of wisom from little faces smiling at you...Watching movies and making crafts together, giggling about the funny things in life dribbly smiles..its all worth it..and being a single mum means i have no one to share it and have to work that much harder...but i have no regrets only love for my babies....altho some days i do want tokill them...maybe a little for a minute or two haha..
Unfortunately im the odd one out in my family...i come from a family of four sibblings, two older one younger. Im the odd one out because since having kids i dont work, i no longer have a partner, i have children, in in financial hardship almost all the time, i dont go out drinking or enoy wine, my social life mostly consists of my children and what they want to do...they all have good jobs well paid, decent houses nice things expensive furniture, they love to drink, be social can go out at there leasuire and are free to do what they want with there lives. they are in no way a stress or burden on the rest of the family. Somtimes it makes me fucking sad hey. i hate feeling the odd one out in the family...not just because of my children but the other things id never swap them..... I used to get on really well with one of my brothers gf's...she is a few years younger than me but that was cool we got on awsome for a while...she used to think my sister hated her...but once she discovered she didnt all of a sudden i never hear from her at all...i constantly hear about all the shit they do together and with there partners as well....and all of a sudden im unimportant, i dont have the same money the same free time i dont have a partner..i have kids and lack of availability on out of the loop...singled out and that shit sucks..and when we have family gathering it makes me feel uncomfortable..because i know..even if they dont...but life happens...i guess u make a lot of sacrafices for ur kids.... like a social life.....people that dont have kids dont seem to understand why my weekends are not filled with pubs and other dubious type shit....thats because i have kids...and if i have spare money id rather use it for something for them than to go out...and i dont drink much and rarely...i think u cant understand if u dont have kids...u sacrafice a lot willingly and lovingly for them...its the way shit goes..
family is family forever love em all but dosent mean i always fit in...but shit happens life isnt meant to be easy....
The things my kids love....
flooding my kitchen sink by sneaking into the kitchen and turning the tap on a little while i think there going to the toilet and im watching tv...
Covering my toilet walls in defecation claiming the y were drawing a picture for me...
putting unsed toilet paper in the toilet so the bugs cant get in there
Spilling drinks all over the floor because there imaginary robot tripped them over
changing there clothes 50 times a day so i have lots of washing to do
hiding the chocolate from me so they can share it later :0
both of my kids are very animated and make there own sound effects when playing...if u didnt know them u would find it funny as shit but it makes them unique and is ever amusing
they love to cuddle mummy...jack wont let me leave preschool without a hug and a big kiss right on the mush...i tried today because most of the other mums dont...and he got quite shirty at me and insisted i do it haha u go jack good on u for still letting mummy never stop.
making chocolate cupcakes
oh and when reilly is older ill have much amo to embaress him...he still thinks he has a baby in his tummy and he tells me his baby is black and his name is baby x ...and its going to come out his tummy soon when my baby does

that is my rant on family and my em all to bits and wouldnt trade them for anything...
another reason to never say FML
caio bella xo
Boobies and other things?
Boobs boobs boobs...why are men so obsessed with them? why do many women always want them to be bigger? when they are bigger its ust a pain in the fucking ass trying to get nice bra's..but advantage they do make a top look that much better right girls?
what is there fyunction? breastfeeding...not so tasty now? but hey some men get off on that to....eeek...a bit often told i have a nice rack...i on the other hand am not so sure about that.... as long as the puppies stay relatively perky im a happy woman!!!! but having said that....having a tattoo across my chest tends to draw mens attention to my boobs...didnt think of that at the time....doh! i often see men get filthy looks from girlfriends under the guise of looking at my tattoo...hey im sure SOME of them are looking at the tattoo. For the record...yes it hurt like a son of a bitch but i enjoy the pain of a good tattoo...i get asked that question a lot and no its not a god damn pentagram...learn your shit before asking me that one people...seriously... BTW men try ans touch it...i dare u...but i promise u wont have any working fingers afterwards.
Yes i love a fan but back to boobies...people assume that because i have peircings on my face i have nipple peircings and one downstairs? what kind of fucking assumption is that to make? for the i dont and it dosent interest me in the least. i dont do anything just because someone else thinks it is cool or trendy...
so what do i have. Tounge (and no men get ur mind out the damn gutter i did NOT get it done for any of u...dont bother asking me if men enjoy it so not interested), eyebrow, nose..i used to have both sides but currently only one, labret, two in the bottom lip, 8 in each ear and two marilyn monroe's or beauty i want more? well maybe one day two beauty spots on the opposit side. Do i like men with peircings? yeah sure i guess but its by no means mandatory...not a fan of flesh tunnels personally they kinda freak me out...and u havent seen a flesh tunnel till u have seen a labret flesh tunnel...fucked up in so so many ways.....seriously!! even the peircers at off ya tree in the city were shocked..have some boundries ppl...
love those to...but strongly feel that is u have to search hard for a tattoo idea or dont know what u want...DONT BOTHER tattoos are permanent and there not for everyone...not one of mine was chosen from a book somewhere...searching might help u put together your ideas but u have to actually have one first....where are ur tattoos...get that one a lot to....fingers, hand, right top forearm and bottom half sleeve, left under forearm all the way down, right across the chest, across the top of my back, left thigh, left calf right calf (small), left ankle/foot and right foot og and face...some i love some are dodgy ones by me practising on myself...but still love them all..however i may get some touched up by a pro this year...learning to use a machine takes a lot of time. im saving the top of my left forearm for the new baby for her tattoo so ill get that one done after my six week post partum checkup.. do tattoos hurt? well each to there own i guess...some more than others..but its a good pain i think.
tried hard to keep the blog nice and friendly today....some ass face put me in a bad mood so i could have taken it all kinds of nasty places...maybe one day i will lol...but until then...
what is there fyunction? breastfeeding...not so tasty now? but hey some men get off on that to....eeek...a bit often told i have a nice rack...i on the other hand am not so sure about that.... as long as the puppies stay relatively perky im a happy woman!!!! but having said that....having a tattoo across my chest tends to draw mens attention to my boobs...didnt think of that at the time....doh! i often see men get filthy looks from girlfriends under the guise of looking at my tattoo...hey im sure SOME of them are looking at the tattoo. For the record...yes it hurt like a son of a bitch but i enjoy the pain of a good tattoo...i get asked that question a lot and no its not a god damn pentagram...learn your shit before asking me that one people...seriously... BTW men try ans touch it...i dare u...but i promise u wont have any working fingers afterwards.
Yes i love a fan but back to boobies...people assume that because i have peircings on my face i have nipple peircings and one downstairs? what kind of fucking assumption is that to make? for the i dont and it dosent interest me in the least. i dont do anything just because someone else thinks it is cool or trendy...
so what do i have. Tounge (and no men get ur mind out the damn gutter i did NOT get it done for any of u...dont bother asking me if men enjoy it so not interested), eyebrow, nose..i used to have both sides but currently only one, labret, two in the bottom lip, 8 in each ear and two marilyn monroe's or beauty i want more? well maybe one day two beauty spots on the opposit side. Do i like men with peircings? yeah sure i guess but its by no means mandatory...not a fan of flesh tunnels personally they kinda freak me out...and u havent seen a flesh tunnel till u have seen a labret flesh tunnel...fucked up in so so many ways.....seriously!! even the peircers at off ya tree in the city were shocked..have some boundries ppl...
love those to...but strongly feel that is u have to search hard for a tattoo idea or dont know what u want...DONT BOTHER tattoos are permanent and there not for everyone...not one of mine was chosen from a book somewhere...searching might help u put together your ideas but u have to actually have one first....where are ur tattoos...get that one a lot to....fingers, hand, right top forearm and bottom half sleeve, left under forearm all the way down, right across the chest, across the top of my back, left thigh, left calf right calf (small), left ankle/foot and right foot og and face...some i love some are dodgy ones by me practising on myself...but still love them all..however i may get some touched up by a pro this year...learning to use a machine takes a lot of time. im saving the top of my left forearm for the new baby for her tattoo so ill get that one done after my six week post partum checkup.. do tattoos hurt? well each to there own i guess...some more than others..but its a good pain i think.
tried hard to keep the blog nice and friendly today....some ass face put me in a bad mood so i could have taken it all kinds of nasty places...maybe one day i will lol...but until then...
FML...wait what??
so FML ...or fuck my life...i hear this comment a lot on facebook... it might be a broken tv, someone let them down, a bad day, running late, the car's fucked or any other thing....
i really dont like that phrase...sorry all haha...why? because someone else is always got it harder or more fucked up than you do eh...its ust how it goes i for much bad shit has happened to me, if a bills late or im late or something happens im like fuck yes thank god that's all it is...if u go thru enough bad shit it really teaches you perspective...
getting your life ripped apart but a complete assholes, three weeks before u are due to get married only to find out he was cheating on u for 4 out of 6 years with many surely THAT is a worthy FML moment..but i never said it..not once..altho should the situation arise to castrate him in the most painful manner possible...only happy to oblige...
A con man pretending to be your boyfriend and asks you to marry him only later to find out that he has other gf's convinces u to take out two mobile contracts in his name leaving you ass deep in debt mentally fucking retarded for letting that shit happen again and about 4 grand in debt...definitly a fuck my life moment...
or what about meeting a new guy who runs away after the first time u have sex because he neglected to tell u he got some chick he didnt care about pregnant, or getting really close to a friend who was recently seperated from his wife only to have him decide he isnt ready after all, or the washing machine (a big fucker) overflowed for two cycles overnight and wet half the carpet in a rental and by the time it was salvaged there was big mould spots all over the carpet... all FML moments right...
Or hey...even ending up pregnant because a retarded ex who begged for sex for a year couldnt keep it in his pants...and i wanted my kids back only to soon be raising a daughter he has nothing to do with...oh damn im sure your thinking..but no i never said FML
why??? well...thats only a small snippet of the last year and a no means all the fucked up moment in time...however at the end of the day...the mocrowave dosent matter, a friend stops coming around, it dosent matter, the real estate treat me like shit because they started udging me as soon as i became a single mum. dosent matter.....
What does matter? my beautiful kids, who can fairly said be monsters on occasion, the friend who has stuck by my for 5 years despite all the hardships, the ones who helped me celebrate my babyshower, the great family who never turned there backs on me through any of the bad decisions ive made, my sister because we became close for the first time in our lives when she came back from up north...and possibly u for reading all my junk..
so there is my rant for today...on the topic of FML ..OR FUCK MY LIFE..... a good reason to think twice before saying it next time?? that or feel free to use it and tell me to shove it up my ass haha
i really dont like that phrase...sorry all haha...why? because someone else is always got it harder or more fucked up than you do eh...its ust how it goes i for much bad shit has happened to me, if a bills late or im late or something happens im like fuck yes thank god that's all it is...if u go thru enough bad shit it really teaches you perspective...
getting your life ripped apart but a complete assholes, three weeks before u are due to get married only to find out he was cheating on u for 4 out of 6 years with many surely THAT is a worthy FML moment..but i never said it..not once..altho should the situation arise to castrate him in the most painful manner possible...only happy to oblige...
A con man pretending to be your boyfriend and asks you to marry him only later to find out that he has other gf's convinces u to take out two mobile contracts in his name leaving you ass deep in debt mentally fucking retarded for letting that shit happen again and about 4 grand in debt...definitly a fuck my life moment...
or what about meeting a new guy who runs away after the first time u have sex because he neglected to tell u he got some chick he didnt care about pregnant, or getting really close to a friend who was recently seperated from his wife only to have him decide he isnt ready after all, or the washing machine (a big fucker) overflowed for two cycles overnight and wet half the carpet in a rental and by the time it was salvaged there was big mould spots all over the carpet... all FML moments right...
Or hey...even ending up pregnant because a retarded ex who begged for sex for a year couldnt keep it in his pants...and i wanted my kids back only to soon be raising a daughter he has nothing to do with...oh damn im sure your thinking..but no i never said FML
why??? well...thats only a small snippet of the last year and a no means all the fucked up moment in time...however at the end of the day...the mocrowave dosent matter, a friend stops coming around, it dosent matter, the real estate treat me like shit because they started udging me as soon as i became a single mum. dosent matter.....
What does matter? my beautiful kids, who can fairly said be monsters on occasion, the friend who has stuck by my for 5 years despite all the hardships, the ones who helped me celebrate my babyshower, the great family who never turned there backs on me through any of the bad decisions ive made, my sister because we became close for the first time in our lives when she came back from up north...and possibly u for reading all my junk..
so there is my rant for today...on the topic of FML ..OR FUCK MY LIFE..... a good reason to think twice before saying it next time?? that or feel free to use it and tell me to shove it up my ass haha
If women are from venus some men are from uranus...
Blogging who ever thought of such a novel idea? probabaly the voyers amoung us right? maybe maybe not....
I have lots of people on facebook...but how many of u actually know me? have we ever met in person? do u even know who i really am? interesting thought probably not many of u.
What is your perception of me? i get a lot of women thinking im such luck as straight as they urge to ever experiemnt so keep on dreaming. i often get people say to me...gee u must be a really bad bad girl...judging on appearances much?? I might be bad but not the way u think... i say what i mean and beleive what i say...i can be a plain ass hole sometimes. But i accept no shit in life. Its really the only way to be. SO what i h ave tattoos i have peircings...dosent make me a bad girl..i think half the douche bags who hope im a bad girl have no idea what that actually entails...
Im single...but so what who hasnt been there before right..ive been single for a year and a beautiful kids mean more to me than more asshole men right now...and beleive me....i attract some real fucked up right now i choose to stay single...dosent mean i dont get men interested...usually emn that are old enough to be my father...sorry men but thats never going to happen, even the though makes me dry retch. nothing wrong with an older man...but one who could have spawned you from there pants??...pass on that.. i did date over the time...but there all stories of horror for a later time...
One thing i have discovered since being pregnant and single is just how sick and perverted some men can be...if u have a pregnant fettish men good for u...bring that shit anywhere near me and u wont have a penis anymore...its really quite so many men think pregnant women are so sexy i find it horrific and retch worthy...i think a lot of men presume women who are pregnant and single will jump in the sack with anyone...even the odd offer for money...i dont think so...i wont be having sex until im dead least not with another person
..ok maybe not THAT long but still.... but i do have some stories to share at a later date... what can i say sometimes my life is really colourful
to sum ust me a 25 year old single soon to be mum of three. love my kids to bits. i live breathe and would die for any of them at any time... there the very reason no matter how hard life gets...and holy hell ive had some bad things happen to me...i will never use the words FML especially over trivial things...
my next entry will be elaborating on this whole FML thing....
for now that is it...its not a novel..its life....and i can talk a lot of shit regulalry.
Thanks jen for inspiring me...easier to have a blog here than the web where any perverted asshole can read it
I have lots of people on facebook...but how many of u actually know me? have we ever met in person? do u even know who i really am? interesting thought probably not many of u.
What is your perception of me? i get a lot of women thinking im such luck as straight as they urge to ever experiemnt so keep on dreaming. i often get people say to me...gee u must be a really bad bad girl...judging on appearances much?? I might be bad but not the way u think... i say what i mean and beleive what i say...i can be a plain ass hole sometimes. But i accept no shit in life. Its really the only way to be. SO what i h ave tattoos i have peircings...dosent make me a bad girl..i think half the douche bags who hope im a bad girl have no idea what that actually entails...
Im single...but so what who hasnt been there before right..ive been single for a year and a beautiful kids mean more to me than more asshole men right now...and beleive me....i attract some real fucked up right now i choose to stay single...dosent mean i dont get men interested...usually emn that are old enough to be my father...sorry men but thats never going to happen, even the though makes me dry retch. nothing wrong with an older man...but one who could have spawned you from there pants??...pass on that.. i did date over the time...but there all stories of horror for a later time...
One thing i have discovered since being pregnant and single is just how sick and perverted some men can be...if u have a pregnant fettish men good for u...bring that shit anywhere near me and u wont have a penis anymore...its really quite so many men think pregnant women are so sexy i find it horrific and retch worthy...i think a lot of men presume women who are pregnant and single will jump in the sack with anyone...even the odd offer for money...i dont think so...i wont be having sex until im dead least not with another person

to sum ust me a 25 year old single soon to be mum of three. love my kids to bits. i live breathe and would die for any of them at any time... there the very reason no matter how hard life gets...and holy hell ive had some bad things happen to me...i will never use the words FML especially over trivial things...
my next entry will be elaborating on this whole FML thing....
for now that is it...its not a novel..its life....and i can talk a lot of shit regulalry.
Thanks jen for inspiring me...easier to have a blog here than the web where any perverted asshole can read it
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