Sunday 3 April 2011

MY BOOBS LOOK SO FUCKING HUGE IN THIS!!!! lets be honest...u totally clicked to read this blog post because of the tittle...didnt and women alike...woman its curiosity what it might be about...and men...well i dont think i need to give any explanation that dosent start or finnish in the pants...or maybe out of the pants...or likely ALL OVER THE PANTS hahaa... anyway to give u boobs DO look big...hey i have big boobs and im 8 months pregnant so its like...carrying around little chest cannons waiting to good thing about pregnancy boobs...those things a fricken there also perky...cant really attest to the after birth state of tittilation...but u do get that... there is nothing wrong with having a good cleavage...lets face it...boobs just make some tops look so much better and if u dont have aint gonna sit right....or booooo to the spastic genius who makes tops that dont our fucking boobs in them...serious??? SERIOUS??? u need to be shot....

there is some bobbs for you.....just because some of u are possibly perverted assholes...hey lets be honest...and well...never miss an opportunity to show off one of my favourite tattoos at the same time...and yes ,,,,it was fresh at the time this photo was taken...not anymore but still my favourite!!!! by the boobs are so much bigger than that at the moment...didnt wanna know that did u? bahaha ahh well life happens........
In case your not a totally perverted weird kinda person...i just tell it like it is rain hail or shine...occasionaly i know when to keep my mouth shut...i try never to hurt anyone on purpose however sometimes things need to be something of a black sheep. i think i just view life a different way to most people...there are no rose tinted glasses...if anything..there is a dark room with black out shades painted black with dark sunnies on...but that just one is to be trusted the glass is always half empty...pessimism comes before optomism...posotivity is not something to display without proof of something no one test everything....i tattood that one on my upper thigh with a single liner tattoo needle and some black ink to remind me...never take anyone or anything at face value...unless u dont value urself and love the slap in the fucking face that comes with being hurt for the millionth time...its not a full proof method of living your life thats for sure...some people say it makes me a 'cold hard bitch' (thanks mum) but how many times do u have to leanr the hard way before u fuck someone over before they fuck u over? I wouldnt say ill never trust anyone but trust has to be earnt, so does repect....where it is due it will be given right :) anyway enough with the heavy not all cloak and dagger.....hell im an awsome fucking boys are awsome kids to....they rock!!!!!.....can be monsters but mostly there really cool little dudes..much amusement and i love them and trust them implicitly...with family its always a given...anyone else has to work for that shit...

okay off to get my clit peirced and my nipples clamped .

wtf really? REALLY..... some people will beleive anything....anyone comes near my vagina with a hollow needle there going to be walking funny the rest of there lives...not a peircing that interests u...altho...back in my hairdressing days we had this client...she was a crude son of a bitch but funny as all hell...she was a really really large kinda lady..and one day she came in to get her colour and kept moving around i asked her what was which she replied she just had 4 peircings in her 'clit' the day before...and while it kinda hurt if she shuffled around while sitting enough it gave her an orgasm..and she couldnt wait to get more....she proceeded to oke about how she is surprised they could find her vagina....which u are NEVER GOING TO BRING UP OR SUGGEST when someone is of that size.....she was fucking legendary...

anyway thats it for heard it here first folks

caio, bella

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