I however was a good girl...i waited unitl i was well circa my 18th birthday to have sex for the first time...why? i guess i was just a good little girl...i know lots of people like *gag* my mum who had sex a LOT younger than i did haha...the first time? always scary because its unexpected....hmm i think that first time is probably like some kind of alien invasion ...if u get lucky u might get over the trauma...enough to want to do it again sometime...which clearly having kids..i did..
whats the big osbesssion...some people are so desperate for gratification once the 'ball' gets rolling they will take there sex any way they get it...from any source...i guess thats where cheating comes into play...some people like it romantic...some people like it rough...some people like to be dominent and some people under the thumb....interesting isnt it? i guess u never really know someone until u get your freak on with them...and beleive me...some things some people like really are fucking freaky...
For example...all the fettishes of the world and there are so many of them....to some people its all about feet and foot fucking, golden showers, being shit on shitting on someone else, pregnant women lactating women, being punnished receiving punnishment, a bit of blood in the mix, some biting...hey i can get into that one

ANimals...come on people im not even going to go there...its wrong enough said....leave that on well alone stick to your own species..own gender if it gets u off..but leave the animals to there own!!!!!
condoms now theres a good one 'safe sex people' but i do love being in a shop or a chemist and seeing people do everything and anything they can to hide buying such items out of embaressment..there quite happy to rant about there sex lives but not buy protection...maybe next time buy that vibrating cockring and studded condoms online??? ...probably a good call...same call as going into an adult shop...lots of people feel the need to scootch in , i na rather seedy manner and be discrete...there is NOTHING discrete about a sex shop...and by god do not answer if they ask u what u are looking for...less u get the most awsome embaressing long speech about product selections and functions...there is nothing discreet about it...but it has given me much amusement over the years to see people and there behaviours in an adult shop. i dont get embaressed easily...so its all good to me...but u see that chick who is tiny and small buying porn magazine and a giant vibrator or dildo and u have to laugh...where the fuck is she going to put that thing??>....well u go girl i guess...i have to say id love to work in an adult store....there must be a lot of stories to be told at the end of the day...but then ud have to be pretty out there yourself to not cop any embaressment... good stuff
recruiting for sex....guys...girls...if u have to pay for it there is probably something going wrong somewhere...im not just talking about brothels either...ive had men try to recruit me before...if im not interested in u eough to have sex with u on my own valition im sure as hell NOT going to do it for money...so u can shove it... not a whore...amazing how many times i have had to say that one in my life....i dont care if u think im hot...still not a whore..
I dont think there is such a thing as good old fashioned 'dating' these days...a date dosent seem to be remotely successful without some kind of sexual encounter...and men seem to think there are more entitled than women are for some reason...yeah good luck buddy... and there seems to be a trend of a lot of guys these days who dont use protection...ick...dude no idea where u have been...but then..if its true what they say about you having sex meaning that u are having sex metaphorically with all that persons previous partners...well cheating ex's , mean ive probably had sex with a lot more women by far than i have men....creepy thought much??

anyway for now...that is my take on sex
caio bella
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