Thursday 7 April 2011

what i look for in men...and does my penis look good in this?

what a crappy day....if i wanted a wet ass or water down my tits id...wait no there is never a time i want either of those things...but life happens sometimes hey..better get used to it with a baby due in a  few short i was priveledged...took the little guy who is three on monday shopping with me...he looked bad ass he was wearing prefaded skinny leg jeans, the right amount of shitrt showing from under his cool iron man jacket hood up and fingerless gloves with skeletons for a 3 year old thats bad ass..then he made me buy him a little pink umbrella stroller to push his baby doll around in...cute but fail!!! person to ask me when im due for going to say 'any second now'...and 'i hope u have good contents insurance because that flooring looks corrosive to amniotic fluids which i could leak all over ur loor at any second'....its the one question ppl love to ask..complete strangers that u get epically sick of answering..or maybe i should laugh and tell them im not pregnant and watch the look of confusion and horror pass there faces??

anyway...someone saw some photos of me online and contacted me and told me im 'so photogenic' ...bullshit *cough cough*..and that i should get some professional photos taken because id have quite a if that bullshit dosent sound like th most trite...i wanna see u a pervert comment ive ever heard i dont know what is...but it did get me thinking about what type of guys i like. Now there are certain types of guys i will never go for...these genrally include....short only five foot ten or slightly under...u'd be surprised how many men dont make the cut because of that..ive dated a shorter guy before and i felt like the fucking man..wasnt cool. Men who are younger than me...essentially they will never have a chance..the first thing that crosses me mind is..jesus were u just hitting puberty when i had my first kid or what? not my not the hugest an of the blonde men either...ive never dated a blonde but not to say i never will on that one...and uber skinny men...sorry but really a fucking turn off...seriously if im worried i may snap u from the slightest not the most gentle person...go eat a fucking hamburger...please.. so that still leave the taller men the older than me men *(and no grandpa..not that old), the men who work and dark haired would be awsome hahah... i guess i have high standards but why the fuck not..its me that will have to look at them every not asking for muscles or a six pack..just an awsome sense of humour who knows what the air up here is virtically challenged individuals...ive dated accross the spectrum, white, aussie, english, indian, singaporian u know im not a racist...however i also dont date men that i cant understand what the fuck there saying...that shit ust dosent work for me...if your english isnt good boys dont even bother...other than that fair game...i have also dated accross the personality spectrum...introvert, extroverted...perverted...thats right..sexual addictions..but to me unfortunately... can be an interesting life...i tend to like people that like me dont conform to the supposed norm just for the sake of conformity...for those who do eat shit i hope u cry urself to sleep every night regretting ur pathertic wasted boring not really ur choice..ull regret it later. maybe one day i find a normal one that i can bring home to the folks without causing coronary events...or heart farts...(u heard it here first heart farts thats right...)

anyway on to the penis seem to care so much about this appendage attatched around the groin type do u hear women carrying on about the size shape, colour public dispersity of the vagina??? no i think men why do u get away with it????...i guess because lets face it...most women can appreciate a good ladies..unless u are relatively young, religious or just fucking unlucky you have probably two or a few...they come in all shapes and sizes...and ive seen lots of variation...large and thick, large and skinny little a noodle...small and thick small and thin...cirucmscised uncircumsised....dark skinned...white ect ect...does it really make much difference to us as ladies?? the debate about that one rages on im what chick dosent like a good sized appendage? to big...not interested and there is such a thing..but good sized and lack of knowing how to use it...u will fail the ladies every be honest the whole...thin penis...really dosent do it for me....not at all dosent matter how long it the words on an awsome chick i know 'u want to have a meaty cock' ive also experienced small and thin....and to be gives new definition to 'is it in yet'........its a faux pa to have had sex but not be sure u had it because u didnt feel it...not stereotyping...but my experiences with darker skinned men...the rumours are NOT true..... ive had a lot less sexual partners than some...but ive seen enough to know enough....boys sometimes it does matter...

before i end the blog that could make some men going to touch on grooming...
now men like women to be shaved or waxed......the maority of some men its not cool any way...while men carry on about the state of our good they let there man areas become so out of control ud be shocked to find there actually is a penis in there somewhere...its a fucking horrid double standard....ladies i say if u have a man who is NOT willing to groom...if u do..u grow that shit back in protest....i dont think many women would want a man to wax...but boys....a bit of grooming never hurt anyone think about it......

caio, bella

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